When an account or contact have multiple addresses which need to be recorded on Momentus Enterprise, these can be added to the account or contact record. These could be a Bill-To, Ship-To or an additional mailing address such as a PO Box.
To add an extra address:
- Navigate to the Accounts or Contacts page for the appropriate designations. For example, Accounts - Registration or Event Sales - Accounts.
- On the Accounts page, select the account to update.
- Right-click and select Edit > Edit.
- On the Edit Account window, select the Details tab.
- Click Add next to Addresses. If additional address entries already exist, then the link will be "X Entry/Entries" where x is the number of existing address entries. The Alternate Addresses window opens.
- Click Add.
- On the Add Alternate Address screen, enter the necessary information:
- Address Type: The type of address to be added such as Bill-To or Ship-To. Available Address Types are determined by your organization. If you have access, you will be able to add more address type options.
- Language: Select the language to assign to the address type.
- Name, Address, City, State, Postal Code and Country: Enter the information to be used for the address.
- Address Label: The address label will be automatically created. You can edit the address label format or information if desired.
- Click OK.
If you edit the address at any stage after saving, you should use the Synchronize button to automatically update the Address Label with the new address information. This prevents any documents created with address labels showing an incorrect address.
When creating a service Order or Event, how is it possible to choose which address we wish to show for that service order? ie if an account has 2 delivery addresses as well as a bill to.
When adding a service order there's a small icon next to the Account/Bill-To/Ship-To/Requester addresses with 2 envelopes and a blue arrow. Click this to use one of the alternate addresses.
Unfortunately the same functionality doesn't appear to be available for Events or Registration Orders (we have raised an enhancement request for 1, and will raise another for the other).
We have also raised an enhancement request for the various addresses to be defaulted in the same way that the bill-to contact is etc.
We use the information in our contact records to create and send a personalized PDF document to one of our market segments through a mail merge. However some of our contacts (about a dozen) have more than one email address. Although I'm able to add additional email addresses to our contacts, I can't seem to view that information using "Show Columns", as I would typically export to excel a recipient list.
Hello Nancy!
Using "Show Columns" on an Accounts list page, only the "main" records stored in the EV870 table can be pulled onto the grid. To obtain the information you are you looking for, a couple suggestions would be:
Have a great day!
Kaitlyn Skubic
Ungerboeck Quality Analyst
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