You can add payments directly to service orders. You can add a payment that is part of the ordered amount or for the full service order amount. To add a payment to a service order:
- Click on the Events link from the Main Menu. The Events screen opens.
- Select the event with the service order for the payment.
- Right-click and select Edit -> Edit. The Edit Event screen opens.
- Select the Service Orders tab.
- Select the order for the payment.
- Right-click and select Add -> Add Payment. The Add Payment screen opens.
- Enter the following information:
- Date - Date of the payment. Defaults to the current date.
- Transaction - Transaction type for the payment (i.e. cash, check, credit card). The transaction type determines which of the below fields display and which are required. All fields with a red asterisk are required and you must complete them to add the payment.
- Amount – Amount of the payment. Defaults to the order amount or if the order is invoiced, the actual amount. Must use a positive number.
- Credit Card/Check - Credit card number or check number. Enterprsie supports most standard credit card scanners. Click the Scan link next to the Credit Card/Check field and scan the card to electronically input the card number.
- Security Code - 3 or 4 digit credit card security code.
- Check/Expiration Date - Date of the check or credit card expiration date.
- Note - Additional information for internal use.
- Control - Stores the credit card verification control number from the credit card processor. No entry required.
- User Reference - Additional necessary information for internal use.
- Internal - If checked, the payment does not display on invoices or external reports. This is used if a payment is entered in error and offsetting payments are entered to correct the error.
- Print Receipt - If checked, after the payment is saved, a receipt report displays for printing or emailing.
- Payor (only if 3rd Party) Tab - If an account other than the bill-to account is paying, enter the payor information.
- Transaction Distribution Tab - If necessary, enter specific general ledger distribution for the journal entries. This overrides the general ledger distribution for the selected transaction type.
- Click OK.
I'm looking to add an email template for sending deposit payment receipts made on service orders. I'm certain that I cannot be the ONLY PAC who needs this functionality. Currently adding an email template to Service Order is a custom $$$$ option.
Has anyone else found a way to do this without having to go through multiple steps inside or outside of USI to email the payment receipt directly to the client?
Hi Linda,
If you want to send confirmation of payment , the easiest way to do this would probably be to send Service order confirmation report from Service order . It is possible to send email receipt from the payment but we do not have an event wildcard on there.
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