
Use Attendance for Order Quantities



  • Theresa Gorman

    We have used the 'based on' functionality for both order attendance and function attendance for a long time.  I have been testing this today with package orders - until now we have not used this type of order with this functionality but are using packages more and more.  When basing package orders on attendance, only the header units update and not the package detail.  If you open the detail items to edit the 'based on' field is not available.

    Is this by design?  I need to know to advise users if packages may or may not be used for this feature.

    I am using version 20.9 L

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Theresa,

    The package details aren't tied directly to the attendance but rather tied to the package header units. If your package header units changes, then your package detail units change based on how your package details are configured. So in this scenario, you'd tie your package header to your attendance and then the details would change based on the value in the header. 




  • Theresa Gorman

    Can you set the item to use function attendance in an event profile.  I can't see the field to set this.

  • Tyler Lewis

    Hello Theresa,

    Yes that functionality should be there. I'm not exactly sure what field you are unable to find without more detail. If it is the 'Order Attendance' field you are looking for, that can be located on the function grid, or if you edit the function to see it on the function window.

    Tyler Lewis
    Business Analyst

  • Theresa Gorman

    @... yes, I have that field but you need to indicated with field in the service order which items are using the order attendance.  From memory, in the order item, there should be a field that says 'use function attendance'.  That's the field I am unable to locate.

  • Tyler Lewis

    Thanks Theresa,

    I believe the field you are looking for is the 'Event Attendance' or 'Function Attendance'. This can be found on the Add Service Order window. By double clicking the little chart, it will update the attendance in the units field of that item.

    Tyler Lewis
    Business Analyst 


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