You can configure three different rates (Advance, Standard, and Late) for each item on a price list. When each rate is used is determined by dates configured on the event (Early Deadline and Standard Deadline).
The different pricing rates allow you to offer a reduced rate for customers who order their goods and services early (as this allows you more time to source any equipment and more accurate planning), a standard rate after the cutoff date for this rate, and then a higher rate for customers that order their goods and services close to the event (due to the limited lead time).
The Advance, Standard, and Late prices are automatically used when a new order is added based on the date of the order and the deadline dates configured for the event. When entering the order, you also have the option to change the rate type (Advance, Standard, or Late) or manually update the price of the item after it is added to the order.
To use advanced, standard and late pricing, you need to:
- Enable Advance and Late Pricing on the Price List
- Enter Advance and Late Prices for Price List Items
- Set the Early Deadline and Standard Deadline Dates for the Event
Enable Advance and Late Pricing on the Price List
You need to configure the price list for the order to use Advance, Standard, and Late pricing. To configure a price list to allow for Advance and Late pricing:
- Click the Price List link from the Main Menu. The Price Lists screen opens.
- Select the price list to use the different rates.
- Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Price List screen opens.
- Check the Advance Price check box to allow for Advance pricing.
- Check the Late Price check box to allow for Late pricing.
- Click OK.
Enter Advance and Late Prices for Price List Items
When using Advance and/or Late pricing, you need to set the Advance and Late pricing for each item. When you configure a price list to use Advance and/or Late pricing, the standard price defaults into the Advance Price and/or Late Price fields. To update these prices:
- Click the Price List link from the Main Menu. The Price Lists screen opens.
- Select the price list to update the item rates.
- Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Price List screen opens.
- Select the Price List Items tab.
- Update the price for each item using one of the below methods:
- On the Price List Items tab:
- Right-click on the column header.
- Select Show Columns. The Column Settings screen opens.
- Select to show the Advanced Price and/or Late Price columns.
- Click OK. You return to the Price List Items tab. The Advance Price and/or Late Price fields are now editable for each item.
- Enter the new prices for the item(s).
- Click OK to update the prices.
- On the Price List Items tab:
- Select a price list item.
- Right-click and select Edit -> Edit. The Edit Price List Item screen opens.
- Select the Pricing tab.
- Enter the necessary prices in the Advance Price and/or Late Price fields.
- Click OK.
- Repeat this for each item which needs the pricing updated.
- On the Price List Items tab:
Click OK when all items are updated.
Set the Early Deadline and Standard Deadline Dates for the Event
Once the price list is configured to allow for Advance and Late pricing, you need to configure the deadline dates on the event.
To configure the deadline dates:
- Click the Events link from the Main Menu. The Events screen opens.
- Select the event to configure the Advance, Standard and Late pricing.
- Right-click and select Edit -> Edit. The Edit Event screen opens.
- Select the Details tab.
- Expand the Configuration section.
- Enter the following information:
- Early Deadline – Service orders entered on or before the entered date (at midnight) automatically use the Advance price as configured on the price list for the event.
- Standard Deadline – Service orders entered after midnight on the date of the Early Deadline but on or before the entered date on the Standard Deadline at midnight automatically use the Standard price as configured on the price list for the event. Any service orders entered after midnight on the date of the Standard Deadline automatically use the Late price as configured on the price list for the event.
- Click OK.
When a service order is added for the configured event with a price list that has Advance, Standard, and Late pricing, the Rate field on the Add Service Order screen defaults to the appropriate value based on the Early Deadline and Standard Deadline dates configured for the event.
You can configure the software to default dates into the Early Deadline and Standard Deadline fields whenever a new event is created.
- Click the Event Management Configuration link from the Main Menu. The Event Management Configuration screen opens.
- Select the Defaults tab.
- Enter the number of days and then select which date (Move In or Event Start) from the Advance Cutoff field. For example, if you enter 30 From Move In, the Advance Deadline field defaults to 30 days prior to the move in date when a new event is added.
- Enter the number of days and then select which date (Move In or Event Start) from the Standard Cutoff field. For example, if you enter 10 From Event Start, the Standard Deadline field defaults to 10 days prior to the event start date when a new event is added.
- Click OK.
We are on version 19.82 and I don't see a 'Early' and 'Standard' deadline section... Would the early date be considered the same as the 'Adv. Cutoff' date in our system? We are trying to setup early and standard registration pricing.
Hi Keary,
In v19.82, the fields are Adv. Cutoff (same as Early in v20) and Std. Cutoff. (same as Standard in v20).
How can we change the dates of the Early and standard deadline, we have the price list on the config, we also have the late box ticked within the price list, however the dates on the event are not able to be edited, any reason why?
Hi Kris,
The only way I've been able to prevent these fields from being edited is if I don't have the Late Price and/or Advance Price checkbox checked for the Price List. When one of these are unchecked, then the corresponding field on the Edit Event screen is uneditable (Early Deadline corresponds to Advance Price checkbox on the Edit Price List screen, Standard Deadline corresponds to Late Price checkbox on the Edit Price List screen).
From what you said above, the Price List is configured for Late Pricing so the Standard Deadline field should be editable and the Advance Price should be uneditable. If this is not what is happening, please enter a case with our Client Care Team.
Thanks Maggie
I will log a call with support.
Is there a view that tracks the due date of each payment going forward? I work at a convention center and we are trying to keep up with the clients that pay late. Our clients have a payment schedule, we currently are digging through the events to see what days they made their payments to determine if they were late. I was hoping there was a easier/better way.
Hi Leslie,
Are you referring to the Payment Plan Invoice Due date? If so, to see this before the payment is made, you should use the Invoices grid. Group this by the Aging Group column and then you will be able to see all invoices in their Aging buckets (eg Current, 30,60,90 days etc).
I'm facing the same problem as Kris : even with the boxes ticked (I also tried with the boxes unticked) I cannot change the dates of the fields "Early Deadline" & "Standard Deadline".
--> What's the solution on this issue?
FYI : we are on 24.2
Thank you,
Best regards,
Hello Boris,
As long as you have refreshed the Edit Event window after making any changes to the price list settings, the Early Deadline and Standard Deadline fields should be active.
It is also possible, though unlikely, that your assigned role(s) includes Field Restrictions protecting these fields so that they are essentially read-only.
Please enter a support ticket if you continue to encounter issues after checking these items.
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