
Work Order Items Screen



  • Nancy Fullerton

    Is there a way to get the function start time available in this area? We need to pull that into one of our views for catering.

    Many thanks


  • Barbara Key


    Currently the only thing that is available is the function header that contains the start time as part of the full header information. There is a start time column that is specific to the item though. Maybe you could use that? In a lot of cases that might be the same.

    If that doesn't work please enter an enhancement request for the function start/end time to be added to the screen so we can review it for you.


  • Nancy Fullerton

    Actually the Function end time is already available; isn't strange that the Function start time isn't?  How long will it take to get this added once I submit the request for an enhancement?




  • Barbara Key

    Hi Nancy,

    Product Management reviews all enhancements and determines if and how we can add them to the software. I am not able to provide you a timeline for a specific item without their review and insight. The best approach is always to add a ticket for it and we go from there.


  • Sean Tame

    I love the Work Order Items screen!

    In v19 there is a checkbox at the bottom to determine if the Work Order itself will be marked as complete once all WO Items are complete.  I cannot see this in v20 and wondered whether this was just the standard behaviour.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Sean,

    In v20, organization parameter AA 933 (Automatically Complete Work Order when Completing Last Open Item) is used so users don't have to depend on the checkbox setting on the screen.



  • Sean Tame

    Thanks Maggie,

    So I have to ask (it has troubled me for a very long time and I've never raised it).  how come I do not have Org Parm AA933 in my DB yet when I press the Update button it is not added and I am told there are no missing parameters?

    My DB clearly knows about this (and all the other missing) parameter as when I add it, the note is automatically displayed.

    Additionally, there are parameters that I know are retired and these are also not removed.  Can we please have the 'Update' process checked and fixed?


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Sean,

    Please enter a case with our Client Care Team so they can review it in more detail.


  • Joseph Stennick

    Is there a specific field that the software looks at to determine which work order item lines are bolded, blue'd or green'd?   I have a request from a user that would like to have substitute package items (Green on the work order item screen) be bolded on a report.  I was curious if there was a column/table that housed this information for me to run an "if" statement on?


  • Sean Tame

    Hi Joseph,

    I think these properties are hard coded for the on-screen display.  Bold is for package headers, blue is for package items and green for substitutable package items (going from memory here so that might not be in the right order)

    In order to customise these yourself on a Crystal Report, I typically create a formula called IsPackageItem with the formula if {ER101_ACCT_ORDER_DTL.ER101_ORD_LINE} <> {ER101_ACCT_ORDER_DTL.ER101_LIN_NBR} then True else False

    Then on your item description field, go into the Format Field option | Font tab and select the formula icon next to Style.  Then enter the formula if {@IsPackageItem} then crBold else crRegular

  • A bit off topic... but a little time (and sanity) saving tip for you Sean (and others); In Crystal (and in fact many other languages) an equality expression- like; 


    Returns a boolean (true or false). Hence;

    if {ER101_ACCT_ORDER_DTL.ER101_ORD_LINE} <> {ER101_ACCT_ORDER_DTL.ER101_LIN_NBR} then True else False

    Can be simplified to;


    This doesn't look much easier at first, but you will notice huge improvements when working with complex logic (especially in conjunction with multiple and/or comparisons).

    Similarly if you have a boolean parameter "Show Summary Only" which you're using to conditionally suppress the detail section of the report you don't need to say;

    if {?Show Summary Only} = true then true else false

    You can just say;

    {?Show Summary Only}

    Hope that makes some sense.

  • Sean Tame

    Thanks Lee,

    Yes, I always simplify the use of the formula (eg suppress condition = {?Show Summary Only}) but I mainly use the longer version when evaluating (eg if {ER101_ACCT_ORDER_DTL.ER101_ORD_LINE} <> {ER101_ACCT_ORDER_DTL.ER101_LIN_NBR} then True else False) to make it clear to any others that may read my logic afterwards. 

    I have found that people tend to understand and grasp the longer version a little easier than the simplified version but indeed you are correct.

  • Chris Hunjas

    I setup a view for our operations folks to anticipate their linen needs.  I've selected all the Linen resources, but I'm noticing that packages/setups that have linen resources within them are not showing up.  This seems odd to me - shouldn't all the resources show regardless of it's part of a package or not?  Am I missing something? On v30.96C

  • Jake Griesenauer

    Hey Chris,

    For those packages/setups, are you expecting to see the entirety of the package (all details)? Or just that package/setup header and the associated linen package detail?

    Jake Griesenauer
    Product Manager - Orders & Operations

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