
Work Order Item Actuals



  • Permanently deleted user

    I'm looking to delete actuals entirely, not zero them out. We are able to do this in v19 in order to then cancel an item to remove it completely from an invoice. These instructions only explain how to zero out the actuals but the system does not then allow me to use the cancel item checkbox. My only option after zeroing out is to complete the item. Why is this?

  • Barbara Key

    Hi Melia,

    once you zero it out you can then delete the actual item from the actual tab on the order. The good news is that starting in 20.9 this can all be done with just one new button and you will be able to then delete actuals with just one click.


  • Shane T


    How do I remove actuals on Registrations Orders?  None of the above seems to apply, and I cannot find anything specific to actuals on registrations orders.  I looked up the order under Work Order and Work Order Item, but there is no tool or editable area for Actuals in v30.98F.


  • Shae Straker

    Hi Shane,

    It is a slightly different process to cancel actuals attached to a registration order item.

    If you have time I'd be happy to have a Teams meeting with you to show you how, alternatively you can reach out to me on my email: Shae.Straker@mca.com.au and I can send you some documentation I wrote for my team on this process.

    Best wishes, Shae

  • Shane T

    Hi Shae,

    Thanks for reaching out, I would be grateful if you could share documentation of how to cancel actuals on a registration order item!  I sent you an email last week, let me know if you didn't receive it.  Alternately if you could post documentation here that would be awesome.

    Thanks again, Shane

  • Shae Straker

    Hi Shane,

    I have sent you an email with the guide.

    Best wishes, Shae

  • Shane T

    Thank you so much Shae, your guide worked like a charm! :)  Take care, Shane

  • Crystal Mureta

    Hello! I'm running into an issue where Entry Units don't work for package components, they only work for the package header. Can you please advise how I can enable this functionality? Thanks so much! -Crystal

  • Crystal Mureta

    I have another question - the "Actual Local Unit Charge" field doesn't show 2 decimal places. How can we set this to display correctly? For example, if the charge is $4.00 it appears just as "4". The other charge fields appear to display correctly with 2 decimal places, but this one looks off. Thanks again!

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