
Event Rankings



  • R.C. Chancy

    Is there a way to hide one of the items in the list?  We have one that will not be used going forward, but still needs to appear in past events for which it was selected. 

  • Maggie U.

    Hi R.C.,

    There isn't a way to hide one from the drop-down.  Rankings can be deleted but when deleted, you are prompted to select a new ranking to assign to any events/jobs that have the deleted ranking assigned.



  • Ingrid Sivertsen

    Is there a way to determine the order of rankings in the dropdown menu? they're currently displaying alphabetically, but used to display in code order in v19.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Ingrid,

    You are correct - in v20, the Event Rankings are sorted alphabetically rather than by code.  The only way to change the order of them is to add the code to the beginning of the description so it would sort in the order you prefer.


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