
Order Item Statuses



  • Lori Lee

    I did this, logged out, but not seeing the additional cancelled statuses I setup. What window should we be in to assign the item to the new Order Item Status?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Lori,

    For service orders, when you cancel the service order, it will use the order item status assigned to the order item status. If no order item status is assigned to the order status, then it will use the system default cancelled item status.

    I'll update the articles to reflect that information.

  • Maggie U.

    Some additional information that I intended to put into my original comment:

    If you would like to have a particular cancelled order item status that is applicable for certain cancellation reasons, then you can create multiple cancel order item statuses for each scenario and then create multiple cancelled order statuses. Then assigned the order item status for each cancellation status. Then when cancelling the order, select the appropriate cancelled order status and the configured order item status will be assigned to the items.

  • Lori Lee

    I am working with Order Items, not service orders. I am cancelling just an item off an order, so not cancelling the entire order. I setup the new order item status of 'No Show' as a class of 'Cancelled'. However, when I cancel the one item off the order (going under Tools / Cancel Item), it sets it to cancelled and I am not able to set the status to No Show.

  • Lori Lee

    Let me rephrase the last sentence...I am not able to set the 'item' status to No Show.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Lori,

    When cancelling an item, it is currently not possible to select which cancelled status to use for the item. You can submit an enhancement for this functionality by going to supportcenter.ungerboeck.com and clicking the Submit a Ticket button.


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