
Service Order Item Dates



  • Michelle Herson

    If someone is unable to edit the times of a service order, what right do we need to change to give them access to do that?  They can change the times of the ordered items, just not the actual order.  Thanks!

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Michelle,

    Can you explain what you mean by the times of a service order?  Service orders only have a date attached to them but not times - those are on the item level.  Do you mean the times on the Function that the service order is assigned to?


  • Bonjour,

    est-il possible de récupérer automatiquement les dates et heures des articles de commandes de services sur les articles de commandes d'achat correspondant lors de la création de commandes d'achats,

    je vous remercie


  • Sharon Whitehall

    I think you are asking "is it possible to automatically retrieve the dates and times of the service order items on the corresponding purchase order items when creating purchase orders"

    When a purchase order / purchase order item is created it only brings over the event dates and times.

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