
Facility Booking Access Privileges



  • Gavin Gilmartin

    With the Add/Change/Delete Bookings By Space Type Limit where do you specify the (ABCD...) value for each Space Type? I can't see any reference that I can use with Access Privileges. I want to grant certain users with access to only book a certain space.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Gavin,

    On the Edit Access Privilege screen, in the Access Privilege Details tab, there is a Value field.  You can edit that field directly on the screen for the space type for the role and/or user.



  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Hi Maggie,

    I understand that but where do you add the value for each space?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Gavin,

    Sorry for misunderstanding the question!  The value for the space is in the Space Types screen off of the Main Menu.  Show the Code column and that is what is used in the Value field on the access privilege.



  • Gavin Gilmartin

    That's great thank you Maggie.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Gavin,

    One of our experts was reviewing your questions and let me know that I led you down the incorrect path.  You should use the Add/Change/Delete Bookings by Space Type Level 2.  With that access privilege, you can right-click on the user/role on the Access Privilege Details tab and select Assign Details.  You'll then have a screen where you can select the Space Types which is much easier to manage than having to entered codes strung together.  Let me know if you need any additional assistance and apologies for leading you down the wrong path initially!


  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Don't worry Maggie I worked it out but thanks for updating anyway.

  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    I'm trying to allow a user group (all with the same role) to select "Mark/Unmark for Delete" for the bookings where they are assigned as coordinator but there seems to be some hidden restriction.

    In Access Privileges they are allowed to "add/change/delete bookings by Space Type Level 2" with the correct space type assigned (both to the role and the individual users), additionally they are allowed "Event Modification by Coordinator". I also granted them the action "Mark/Unmark for Delete (2289/2290)" in Access Exceptions.

    Unfortunately the "Mark/Unmark for Delete" does not appear when they right click on the booking within the event.

    Is there any other restriction/exception/priviledge that I need to change?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Elisabeth.

    Generally access privileges don't hide menu options. They way they usually work is you attempt to perform some action (delete a booking) and you get a message with the access privilege that is stopping you from doing that action. There are a few exceptions to this but I don't think it's an access privilege that is causing the delete options to be hidden.

    Can you check to make sure there isn't a Deny for your users on the Mark for Delete/Unmark for Delete action? You can check this from the Role Access screen. Filter either the User or Role and for the Mark for Delete element and see if there is a Deny set for them. A Deny trumps a Grant so even granting the action won't make it show.

    Some other things to help troubleshoot: can this user group delete bookings from any events at all or is it just certain events? Where are they trying to delete them from? Were they ever able to delete bookings and this is something new? This information will just help me figure out if there is more I can direct you to for troubleshooting or if we'll need to transfer it over to a ticket so the Client Care Team can review your database.



  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    Hi Maggie, thanks for your quick reply.

    In the Role Access, there is no Deny on Mark/Unmark for Delete for these Users. With one of their Roles it is assigned through the Feature Common Functions with another Role it is unassigned.

    In other menu items (such as Registration order items) they can mark/unmark for delete, just not in bookings. So far they did not need to delete bookings as the events were created differently but their manager now wants them to be able to adjust the bookings.

    Any help is appreaciated.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Elisabeth,

    What status are the bookings at? Are they able to make other changes to the bookings but just can't see the Mark for Delete on their right-click menu? Can they make changes to other information on the event? Can anyone see the Mark for Delete option on those bookings or is it just this group of users who cannot see it?



  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    The events are either on Approved (40) or Finished/Closed (60) and the bookings have the same status as the event. They can see the following menu items when they right-click on the bookings:

    They can change other info on the event (change status, add/edit/cancel registrants and service orders to name a few).

    Other users (such as my non-admin account) can see the menu option Mark/Unmark for Delete for the same bookings/events although they are restricted from modifying these boookings by Action restriction:

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Elizabeth,

    I've run this by a few people and there's nothing obvious that stands out. I am going to create a ticket for you. Be on the lookout for an email from the Client Care Team with your ticket number. They will be able to look at your privileges and access in detail and help determine what is causing the menu option to be hidden. Thank you for your patience as I asked so many questions, and sorry that I wasn't able to resolve it for you!


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