
Using the Service Order Items Screen



  • Sarah Gore-Clough

    Hello this is a new useful update on 20.8 - however it does not seem possible to be able to filter the items by the 'entered on date' you can filter by who entered the item - this would be useful to us to use when assessing upsells by our teams during a specific date range. There also does not seem to be filters for matching dates ie start date of function is available but end date is not ?? thanks

  • I echo your frustration Sarah. There are quite a few windows where fields available in the grid (show columns) aren't available in the filter. We would like to see the ability to add the same columns.

  • Holly Marchlewski

    At this time those fields are not available as filters, however, you can show the columns in the grid below and then use the sorting functionality to group them as needed. If you would like to put in a enhancement request for these to show in the filter please do so at supportcenter.ungerboeck.com

  • Jeanne Buglewicz

    I use this report, but would like to be able to report by Order Date, rather than Start Date.  Is the Order Date available in this report?  I wasn't able to find it.

    Or, is the Department available in the Service Orders Orders Screen (as opposed to the Items screen)?

  • Holly Marchlewski

    While  in the Service Order Items window  you can show columns and show the “Date-Order” column.  You can then then use the sort functionality to sort  by order date

  • Sean Tame

    Can you please detail the functionality and use of the Fixed checkbox?  Thanks.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Sean,

    When setting an order or order item to Fixed, the order or order item is fixed at that amount.  Any subsequent changes to the item rate or units will not effect the total charge of the item.

    When an order is marked as Fixed, then all the items (except system added taxes) in that order at that time will be marked as fixed.

    When an item is marked as fixed, the billable flag or the extended charge itself cannot be edited. When ordered items have been marked as fixed, when first set of actuals are created from those ordered items, they will be the same charge as the ordered item irrespective of the actual units. If multiple sets of actuals are created, after the first all others will have zero charge. Similarly, when adding new items to a fixed order, the new items will be added with zero extended charge.



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