
Event Cutoffs



  • Sean Tame

    Thanks Maggie, this is awesome.  I am going to ask (again) if this feature can be opened up to Categories and Classes as well as event types.  Also, the ability to copy cutoffs would be great and the ability to specify cutoffs for Forecast Orders.  (I think that's it!)

  • Sean Tame

    I was hoping you could clarify something for me.  I know this functionality was developed for a specific customer who had a specific requirement but I am yet to be able to practically use the Event Cut-offs despite trying for many years.

    The scenario that ALL organisations I have worked with has is as follows - and I would like to know if we can achieve it.

    1) Replicate the applicable business rules in the UB Cutoff Master.  Rules include items such as "User Role X cannot add service orders more than 3 days after the event move out date".  "User Role Y cannot edit the function scripting for an event that has a 'Settled' status."

    I am not sure the relationship between the Cut-off master and the Event Cut-off window.

    I am not sure of the requirement to specify cut-offs by event type.

    Your assistance is appreciated.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Sean,

    In the Event Cutoff Master, you can configure event cutoffs based on the type assigned to an event…basically an event cutoff “template” by event type if you will.  You can configure which roles the cutoffs apply to along with any status or date offset values for the cutoff.  Note that the date offset values configured in the Event Cutoff Master are used against the event start and end dates and times.  As to why they must be set up against a Type, I don’t have that answer for you.  This feature was originally added in 2004 and although I found a lot of the original documentation, I wasn’t able to locate the reasoning behind the Type being necessary.

    Once you have set up the Event Cutoff Master with your desired cutoffs, when an event with the type specified for the cutoff is added, then cutoffs in the Event Cutoff Master are automatically added to the event for you.  If any date or time offsets were configured, then the dates and times are updated to the appropriate value based on the offset.   Everything else comes over as is – the roles assigned, status assigned, etc. 

    Event Cutoffs can also be configured one off for an event so use of the Event Cutoff Master isn’t required.  You can also copy cutoffs when you copy an event so similar events can have the cutoffs brought over if needed.

    For the scenarios you describe, if they aren’t linked to an event type, then you wouldn’t be able to utilize the Event Cutoff Master but they both could be configured one off for an event.  You’d just need to update the dates to what you need and set the status to what you need.



  • Permanently deleted user


    Can event cutoffs be used to prevent an event/job being added to a purchase order?



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Adriana,

    Yes, you can use cutoffs to prevent adding an event to a purchase order. If you attempt to assign the event on the Add/Edit Purchase Order screen, you receive a warning when you try to save that you are restricted by event cutoff security: Adding Purchase Orders.



  • Permanently deleted user

    Amazing, thanks, Maggie!

  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Can you remove event cutoffs that have been automatically assigned across multiple events?

  • Carolynn Williston

    Hello Gavin,

    At this time, there is no way to edit multiple events to affect their Event Cutoffs. If this is a feature you are interested in, I encourage you to enter it as a product idea. This can be done by going to the Support Center, Community section. Then click Product Ideas, Venue Product Ideas, and make a new post.

    Have a great day!


  • Lydia Ianni

    Hi! I've very new to the EBMS platform but am taking over some duties while my co-worker is out of the office few months. We have an Event every year that grants participants access to videos after they have purchased access. The recorded event takes place in November and we grant access to subscribers starting then, through the end of May the next year. From my understanding from speaking internally, the system does not allow purchases/revenue in one year for an event from the previous year. In other words, if you purchase access in January 2023, it falls under the 2023 Event, not the 2022 Event. 

    We have a participant this year who is trying to sign up for the latest 2023 videos, however, it looks like she purchased access to last year's 2022 videos in January of 2023. It seems, as a result, that the system has said that she has already purchased 2023 and therefore cannot purchase it again. She doesn't actually have access to the 2023 videos, nor is she able to make payment. 

    This is my best understanding of the situation from my limited experience. I find it difficult to believe there hasn't been someone who has fallen into this situation before as from my understanding we do this every year, but as my co-worker is currently out of the office and unreachable, I don't have much way to verify this. I'm not sure what the solution could be for this. As a temporary solution, I'm trying to see if this person will use a different email, which seems like the only easy solution, but I'm concerned that this situation may happen again with other potential customers. 

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