



  • Kayla Jungkind

    Hi all - I'm coming back into this, wondering if anyone knows a way to set up a checklist (or something similar in activities)  that is not contingent on days before/after the event, but instead more of a workflow checklist?  For example, have activities A,B,C, once A is completed, A2 should be started without setting specific times around the event.

    Feels like a shot in the dark,


  • Nina Dennison

    It would be nice to "Mark for Delete" multiple lines on a Checklist once it's copied. We have a few checklists that are very similar and need maybe 1/3 of the activities to be deleted. The current option is to copy & paste the 2/3rds to create a list OR individually open the 1/3 not needed off a Copied version and delete one by one!! :(



  • Heather Gruppelaar

    Hi, is there a way to add a checklist to multiple events at the same time? thanks

  • Michelle Herson

    Hi Ryan,

    We get email notifications with activities, but not with checklists.  I didn't think you were able to set up the checklist items to send an email.  Are you able to?  That would be super helpful!
  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Jason,

    I tested this in our Quality environments and like you did not receive an email notification when an activity checklist was created. I have entered a case for our development team to review and will let you know when I have an update.



  • Michelle Herson

    Hi Shelby,

    Can you expand upon this?  Were you able to edit the notification timing to get emails to go out?  Or, just an alert within the system?

    We are also looking for emails to go out with the checklist activities.  

  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Kayla,

    To answer your first question, this desired functionality would require custom work. Please feel free to add this workflow as a suggestion on one of our Product Ideas forums. The Product Idea links should be located at the very bottom of our support center pages under the Product Ideas section.

    If you are interested in custom work, please feel free to submit a ticket so we can do some further discovery and provide an estimate for you.

    In regard to adding activities to fiscal calendar periods, your second question, when you configure your Financial Activity Checklist, you should have the ability to choose Period Start Date or Period End Date for the Activity Due Date.

    Is this the functionality you are referring to or could you further clarify the functionality you are looking for?

    Thank you and have a great day!

    Kaitlyn Batliner

    Ungerboeck Consultant

  • Kayla Jungkind

    Thanks Kaitlyn,

    I've just created a short checklist with some activities set to 1 day before period and added myself as the recipient. When I look at my activities they do not show.  So I'm wondering if I have to assign the financial activity checklist to the actual period or somewhere else.

  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Kayla,

    Activity Checklists need to be added to an account, contact, event, etc. in order for the recipient to receive the activities configured on the checklist.

    In this instance, the Financial Activity Checklist can be added by going to the Main Menu >> Fiscal Period Diary (v19) >> on the Fiscal Period Diary (v19) window, right click >> Add Checklist >> select your configured Financial Checklist.

    After the checklist has been added, you should be able to go to your Activities window in v20 and verify that the Activities have been added.

    Kaitlyn Batliner

    Ungerboeck Consultant


  • Kayla Jungkind

    Excellent, thank yoU!

  • Shelby Dodge

    The due dates for some of our checklists will vary. Is it possible to manually enter the due date in the checklist prompt when our event managers add an activity checklist to an event? 

    For example when requesting parking passes from access control, they will sometimes need them within 3 days, sometimes a week, sometimes in 5 minutes.  It seems inefficient to create an activity checklist for ever single default deadline configuration. We could have 50 options. 

  • Jason Rief

    Has anyone been successful at getting an activity checklist to send out email notifications? If I add an individual activity to an event it sends out the email but I want it to send out the email notifications when I add an activity checklist. Thanks

  • Ryan Canny


    I checked with our Development team and the email option is only available when adding manual activities (without using a checklist). An email is only sent when adding an activity when the email recipient checkbox is checked. When using checklists there is currently no option to enable or disable sending emails. I would encourage you to post this over on our CRM Product Ideas forum (link below) so this can be reviewed by our Product Management team as a possible future enhancement.




  • Ryan Canny


    I checked with our Development team and the email option is only available when adding manual activities (without using a checklist). An email is only sent when adding an activity when the email recipient checkbox is checked. When using checklists there is currently no option to enable or disable sending emails. I would encourage you to post this over on our CRM Product Ideas forum (link below) so this can be reviewed by our Product Management team as a possible future enhancement.




  • Shelby Dodge

    We had a similar issue but a work around we used was relying on the Activity Notification Preferences in your User Settings.  The notification timing revolves around the Due Date/Time stipulated in the Activity Details within the checklist.  We had to place a little bit more emphasis on due dates and workflows for some of our checklists but we haven't hit an instance where the couple minute delay time for notification has caused a problem.  


  • Kayla Jungkind

    Any updates on adding activities to fiscal calendar periods? It's still not available in edit layout, unless I'm missing something.

  • Pamela Smith

    Hi Team,

    Is there a functionality to send an email to the recipient when a checklist item is nearing due date (or the date it is due), regardless of when the activity checklist was setup originally?


  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Pam,

    You will want to reach out to your Momentus Account Manager to make sure your Azure service has been turned on for activity notifications.



  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Michelle,

    Checklists are just adding a bunch of activities at once and activity notifications are emails. You will want to turn on activity notifications from your user settings window. The system will then send out all activities that are not completed or cancelled and are also tied to your personnel account with a valid email address in the organization the activities are generated in. Like I mentioned to Pam you will want to work with your Momentus Account Manager to make sure your Azure service has been turned on for activity notifications. I hope this helps. 



  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Heather,

    It is not currently possible to add a checklist to multiple events at the same time. If this is something you would like to see added as a future enhancement, I would encourage you to post this on our CRM Product Ideas forum (see link below). Our Product Management team goes through all customer posts and looks at how many community upvotes each receives when determining which enhancements we bring in for Development to start work on as new features.




  • Sean Tame

    Hi Nina Dennison,

    There is actually a piece of functionality to address just this.

    For the checklist items that are 'sometimes yes, sometimes no' you should check the Prompt checkbox.  Then when you are adding the checklist, these items will pop with an edit screen where you can change any of the details as it is being added OR you can elect to Skip the item and it will not be added.

  • Nina Dennison

    Sean Tame, that's a cumbersome process when all I want to do is Delete the unwanted items for each list instead of having a pop up everytime for each time we use a list. 

  • Sean Tame

    Nina Dennison

    Perhaps I misunderstood you.  Are you saying you are configuring checklists and when creating a new checklist by copying one to another, you want to delete a bunch of items within the Edit Checklist window?

    If you close the Edit window and have the checklist preview pane on the right-hand side, you can highlight and Mark for Delete multiple items at once.  I am not sure at all why the same functionality is not available in the Edit Checklist window.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Laura,

    The Type field is locked down when editing or coping a checklist.  It may be possible to provide you a SQL statement to either update the type on the copied checklist or to copy the activities on your Financial checklist to a new checklist with the new type but that would be beyond my technical abilities to provide here:)  I'll let your account manager, Jill Newman, know this may be something you are interested in and she can reach out to get more details.



  • Carrie Spalding


    The columns are only configured to show plain text formatting, not the rich text formatting.  If this is something you would like to see, please submit an enhancement request.



  • Kris Corrigan

    What does the period start date and end date refer to, I would like to create a checklist on a monthly basis indicating to recpitents an area they need to cover, i.e. 1 day before the end of the month myself needs to complete payroll etc so what would be the best way to complete this using checklists

  • Carrie Spalding

    Kris, I'm not sure what you're referring to when you say period start date and end date, could you elaborate?

    Checklists are attached to events, accounts, etc., in the database and are not really designed to manage monthly tasks, unless you want to attach them to an account.  They don’t recur like tasks in Outlook and are date specific so they would need to be added each month if you wanted to do that.

    Let me know.  Thanks!


  • Sean Tame

    The ability to add Financial Checklists (attached to Fiscal Periods) has been around for a while now.  I requested this a long time ago for Finance Departments to manage all their During and End of Month activities.

    Add a Checklist of type 'Financial'
    Period Start and Period End refers to the Fiscal period dates.

    Go to your Fiscal Calendar and Edit a Year

    Highlight a Period (you will need to add the 'Activities' section to your layout most likely.

    Select Add Checklist.  (I could not get this to actually work in v20 though - nothing happened when I did that)

    You should be able to add your checklist to the period in question.

  • Kris Corrigan

    Thanks Sean I will continue to test this, the 'Activities' isn't within the layout of the fiscal calendar (unless I am missing it completely)

    Carrie this is what I am referring to as Sean has mentioned above.


  • Carrie Spalding

    Sean & Kris, after testing it does appear this is a bug.  A case has been submitted.  Thank you!


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