
Send Emails



  • Sherri Hines

    How do you add an established email distribution list as the "To:"?

  • Hope Saldaña (TEST)

    Hi Sherri,

    The "To:" field also pulls from the distribution lists. All you need to do is start typing in the distribution list name and it should pull up that list for you.

  • Kris Corrigan

    We cant seem to find all our staff when sending an email although the 'Personnel' tab is 'Active', is their any reason why this might be the case.

  • Hope Saldaña (TEST)

    Hi Kris,

    Check to see if their personnel accounts have email addresses. The email dropdown will pull from the personnel account information. If there is no email on the personnel account, that person will not display in the email dropdown. If you are having further trouble with this, please submit a case to helpdesk@ungerboeck.com.


  • Kris Corrigan


  • Kris Corrigan
    OK thanks Maggie I have found another thread on which I will comment now which I have seen you involved in. Emailing Purchase Orders for Approval
  • Sarah Gore-Clough

    When you have the spell check on for sending emails if you start the spell check but then want to cancel and make amendment to the email = if you press cancel it still closed the window and sends the email. How can the cancel button be used without sending the email.

  • Carrie Spalding


    Please submit a ticket to client care so they may look at it more closely.

    Thank you!


  • Theresa Gorman

    It is not unusual for us to send an email from an event to someone who is not in the system.  In V.19 you had the ability to free type the email address - In V.20 this does not appear to be possible?  Is there a way round this?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Theresa,

    You can type in free form email addresses.  The drop-down will show to attempt to match existing email addresses in the database but once you enter the email address and use tab to move from the To address field, the email address you typed in will remain.


  • Theresa Gorman

    Perfect Maggie - thankyou

  • Kayla Boyter

    We recently upgraded to V19.8 temporarily and will be moving all users to V20 in the next couple of months. One user sent emails through Ungerboeck and the emails did not copy to the diary notes. Apparently this did happen in the older version of 19. Will this be fixed in V20?

  • Carrie Spalding

    Kayla, the emails are not saved in the Documents folder?



  • Kayla Boyter

    Yes, we found it under our folders tab in V19.8. Thanks!

  • Levin Shum

    Hi there,

    In v19, when you email, say, the Event Plan, we have the option to filter out and display the contacts that are associated with the company only for the TO field. In our example is 3 contacts.

    In v20 however, we don't seem to be able to find this feature. When users type the first 3 characters of one of the contact's first name, all contacts (massive list) that contain the 3 characters are being listed.

    Is there a setting that would allow us to filter out the other contacts that are unrelated to the company in the TO field like v19?


    Thank you,




  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Levin,

    In v20, you are able to utilize the Advanced Search in the 'To' drop down on the Email window.

    On the Advanced Search Accounts window that arises, there is various filters that you are able to utilize to narrow down the specific account/contact you are looking to email. Of them, the 'Company field or the 'Name - Primary Account' may be beneficial ones. Also, if you type the organization's name in the 'Search For' field and click Search, both organizations and individuals (contacts) will arise in your results.

    For example, if I entered "Genome British Columbia" in the 'Search For' field, Genome British Columbia should arise as well as any contacts of Genome British Columbia.

    Once you see the contact you wish to add to the email, highlight them and click Select at the bottom of the window. Once the Advanced Search Accounts window closes, the contact's email will be in the 'To' field of the Email window.


    Kaitlyn Batliner

    Ungerboeck Consultant

  • Levin Shum

    Thank you Kaitlyn for your suggestions.

    I guess there's no way to set the  To:  field on the main email screen (without going into the Advanced Search) such that when users type in 3 characters. then it will automatically display only the emails related to the Company of the event right? If this is not do-able, I will explore ways to define a view with a layout that would automatically filter down using your suggestions above.

    Thank you,


  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Levin,

    Unfortunately, there is not such functionality in v20 at this time, but we greatly appreciate you bringing this to our attention. Please enter an enhancement ticket for our Product Management team to further review.

    Thank you,

    Kaitlyn Batliner

    Ungerboeck Consultant


  • Levin Shum

    Thank you Kaitlyn. I will submit an enhancement ticket.




  • Sean Tame

    It is a shame that great functionality from v19 is being lost and going back into the Enhancement queue.

  • R.C. Chancy

    How can I restrict emailing ability in one role?

  • Lea Tenore

    Hello R.C.

    If you would like to restrict the email ability in a role, you can use Access Exceptions for that role.  Start by accessing the Roles screen and edit the role you wish to restrict emailing.  On the Access Exceptions tab, in the Actions section select the Deny button.  On the Deny Role Action Access screen search for email in the description field and click the search button to see the results.  Select all the actions to be restricted for the role and click the Select button.  Those actions will not visible to users assigned to that role. 

    Thank you!


  • Michelle Herson


    When sending an email, one of the new options under tools in v30.96 is Schedule.  Can anyone point me to a guide on how to use that feature?

    Thank you,


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Michelle,

    We are putting together some information about this. Once we have it ready, we'll reply with the details.



  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Michelle,

    For the Schedule feature to work you will need to have a task engine running. 

    • On the Send Email window go to Tools and select Schedule
    • A Save As Draft Email prompt will appear to save as a draft in order to schedule email
    • Click Continue
    • On the Add Scheduled Task(s) window the Task Start field allows you to select the date and time you would like the scheduled draft email to be sent
    • The recipient will then receive the email based on the criteria you choose



  • Michelle Herson

    Hi Ryan,

    I followed these directions but I never got the email.  I went back into my tasks and the email is still there as Task Status "waiting".

    Did I miss something?  Do we need to turn something on for this to work?




  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Michelle,

    Do you have the task engine running?  The email will stay in waiting mode unless you have this on.

  • Michelle Herson


    I am hosted so I thought it was running...  How do I turn it on?

  • Dustin Banks

    Michelle, this gets turned on with a request through support.

  • Michelle Herson

    Thanks Dustin!  I'll submit a request now.

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