
Contract Revisions



  • Steve Gilbey - ICC Sydney

    It would save time and errors if the status dropdown, mentioned in step 2 and 4 above, could default to the existing status of the contract instead of defaulting to the lowest possible status.

    You don't always want to make a contract to progress through all status stages again just because someone made a minor change (like changing event status) that triggered a revision requirement.



  • Mudit Dhebar - Business Systems


    I have noticed that in v19, the option "Increment Revision" option remains unchecked, but in v20 it comes up with checked as a default.

    Is there a way we can make it unchecked by default please (attached snapshot below for ref)?





    Kind Regards,


  • Sean Tame

    Hi Mudit,

    What happens the second time you open this window after in-checking it?  Typically in v20 these windows remember your last selected options.  (See Paste Event, Paste Function etc)

  • Mudit Dhebar - Business Systems

    Hi Sean,

    Thanks for providing options, however, even if we unchecked, it remains checked in v20 so keen to know if there is any way we can make it default unchecked like in v19.


  • Steve Gilbey - ICC Sydney

    One of those windows where you'd like it to remember last setting but it doesn't. :-(

    In regard to my initial comment above, that referred to V19 where revision status defaulted to the lowest status.

    V20, on the other hand, defaults the status to blank which is just as annoying as you still have to scroll and set the prior status (if you've noted what it was before you started the revision!)

    Sean, it would be really nice if this window remembered what you chose last time.

    Anyone from USI care to comment?...


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Mudit & Steve,

    My testing isn't yielding the same results as you guys are experiencing.  In both v19 and v20, I found the Increment Revision checkbox always being checked and in v20, I don't experience the status drop-down defaulting to a blank value.  I did some experimenting with the configuration settings as well and wasn't able to duplicate what you are seeing. I'd recommend submitting a Client Care case with screen shots of what you are seeing that is different than v19 and screen shots of your Contract Configuration screen as that will help them to see where the problem may be.


  • Brooke Adamson





    I'm wanting to get clarification as to why we got this pop up.  We were cancelling a booking line that was the only item in a SO. We were able to go into the service order screen and delete the SO but we weren't able to cancel the booking until we did that. If you have permission to delete the booking or remove a service order item, why can't you do it from the booking?



  • Sean Tame

    Hi Brooke,

    I think this is another example of where the contract is restricting what can happen on the event, rather than being a reflection of the event (via a revision).  It is the tail wagging the dog.

  • Mike Johnson

    Just to fill everyone in on this message.  We added this as a short-term solution to an issue that a handful of customers ran into where contracts and payment plans would get in an unfortunate state.  This unfortunate state would only occur when the last booking order item is removed from a contracted booking order and the booking order is not deleted.  The short-term solution prevents customers from getting into a situation that would require help from Ungerboeck to get them back to a workable state. The long-term solution will automate the deletion process which will take away the need for this message.

  • Bonnie Ma

    I have encountered an issue that I am unable to add orders to the contract as the contract requires revision.  However, when I click the contract revision, it mentioned that all the orders need to under the payment.   It becomes a loop hole which I won't be able to proceed.   Is there any way I could either add the order to the payment plan or able to revise the contract?  



  • Steve Gilbey - ICC Sydney

    Haven't seen this one for a while, although we used to get it on a weekly basis.

    Bonnie, try to sort the payment plan out first and the contract will then usually take care of itself.

    Suggest you access the PP through the Event PP tab (not through the contract) and remove all the orders off the PP. If there have been no invoices issued it will ask if you wish to delete the PP. You can if you like and then create a new one when the contract is fixed. If the PP has been invoiced it will warn you about removing the order but just say Yes/OK.

    Once all the orders are off the PP you should then be able to revise the contract. Once the contract revises correctly then reattach the existing PP or a new one to the contract by clicking the green tick icon.

  • Bonnie Ma

    Thanks Steve for your advice.   One question, as we have separate system to handle the payment, the payment has applied to one of the service order in the payment plan.   When I remove the orders from the payment plan, will it affect the record on the payment? 

  • Bonnie Ma

    Many thanks to Steve.  It works now.   

  • Chateubriand Redding

    Hello everyone,

    We recently started working in the system about a year ago. I am a Sales Manager for the Convention Center. One of my accounts receive their license agreement already, but we needed to lower the rate and re-issue. However, when trying to get the system to delete the discounts we kept getting the message Brooke in this thread received three years ago.  However, I followed the steps to revise the license agreement. Once I revised the license agreement, I was able to remove the discounts which allowed us to put in the right rate. Are these two things related or not?

  • Brooke Adamson

    Hi, I just checked with Contracts and they still get this all the time. One of them responded to me: "I have to go into the contracts tab and delete the booking from the contracts tab. Then go back to the Event Booking screen, refresh, and delete from the event booking area."  This is a pain. The 'short-term' solution mentioned above was three years ago. Any updates to get this fixed so we don't have to do it ourselves every time?

  • Chateubriand Redding

    Thank you Brooke. I am not sure if it was my permissions allowing me make the adjustments or the fact I revised the contract. I spoke with our Customer Success Manager. He believes it could have been a combination of both.   

  • Mark Fingerhut

    Brooke Adamson - I want to ensure I've captured what you'd be looking for in terms of an enhancement that would make this process easier: When deleting a booking from a contract, prompt user to ask if they'd like to delete booking from the event and from the booking service order. If yes, delete/cancel the booking and corresponding item on the booking SO. If no, just remove booking from Contract. 

    Is this correct?

  • Brooke Adamson

    Not really. The user is doing it from the event booking page, because that's the best way for them to see all the space and make sure the entire booking matches what they need it to be (as space could be spread across multiple orders) . 

    However, when they try to delete a booking that will be the last item on the order, they can't because the functionality doesn't allow the booking order to be deleted from this area. They have full permissions to delete the order from the contract so they want to be able to do it in one step.

    Now, they have to go to the contract, remove the booking and order, then go back to the event booking and clean that up. For users that have the contract permissions, we want them to be able to do it in one step from the event booking. 

    Let me know if you want to walk through this process with our contract user. 



  • Mark Fingerhut

    Ah, ok. Thanks for the clarification. I will see if this is a workflow we'll be able to support technically. Thanks.

  • Sean Tame

    I have 2 points to make here that really should be separate discussions but...

    1. It is inconsistent and confusing to offer the Mark for Delete UI on the bookings tab of the Contract.  Users get the impression they are deleting the booking, whereas they are really "Removing from Contract".  It should be consistent with the way we remove orders from PP.
    2. Contracts control is completely backwards for the way EVERYBODY works.  The contract should be a reflection of the Event.  The way UB works is that the event has to be controlled via the Contract due to the draconian limitations of bookings/orders/PPs once they are associated to a contract.  What people want is to work the event, then have the contract reflect (all or part) of that information in a contract.  What has to happen currently is that once the Sales team create (issue/sign/lock) a Contract, anyone wishing to manage the event must have access to edit the contract and do (almost) all their updates from there.  This is not how it works in the real world.

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