
Default the Bill-To for New Events



  • Ayal Mesher

    Is there a way to have an individual added as their own bill-to contact with out adding them as a contact to themselves?

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Ayal,

    What is the requirement for this?  If the 'Account' is an individual, there is no need to have a contact.  You would just leave this blank.

  • Ayal Mesher

    Our "Bill to contact" Field is a required field for a new event (so that it doesn't get left off for corporate events). But that means that when we create a new event for individual we have to add them as a contact so that we can fill in that field. I've asked about removing it as required but I'm not sure that will happen. Hoping for a workaround in USI.



  • Danna Banick


    You mention that you've asked about removing the 'requirement' for the "Bill-To Contact", but that you are not sure that will be approved.  Typically, a company would be the bill to 'account' and an individual would be the contact.   A best practice could be to enter the 'person' as 'Tim Taylor Family' or 'Tim Taylor Account' with the contact as Tim Taylor so one would know which field the name represented throughout the system.

    Unfortunately, without releasing this requirement, you will have to continue with your current work-around which is to enter the individual as a contact (in addition to the account) and then select them as the "Bill-To Contact".

  • Ayal Mesher

    Why would this be a best practice? Seems redundant. You don't need two accounts (account & contact) for an individual. It's probably about the same amount of time to setup a parent account for an individual as add them as their own contact so I guess it doesn't really matter either way. 

    Maybe it should go into the pipeline as a UI improvement.

    Thanks for your quick responses though.

  • Sean Tame

    The heart of this issue is putting the control over data entry quality on the system where in this case it should be on the user.  Remove the Required flag from the contact field and manage it through training and auditing.  Create an exception report that lists events where the Account is a Company and the Contact Field is blank.

  • Danna Banick


    Assuming that the 'Bill-to Contact' is a required field, it may be indicating that this field is necessary for a report that is pulling specifically from that field. In this case it makes sense to continue with your current process. If this is not the case, here is a recommendation to speed up your Event entry process:

    Notice within Edit Layout for the Add/edit Event page there are two "Bill-to" fields (of the many fields) available:  Bill To and Bill To Contact.  Your organization is using the Bill To Contact field which is driven from the Contact data within Ungerboeck (Standard functionality).  If you were to instead use the Bill To field (which is driven from the Account data within Ungerboeck), then the Account Name (which in this particular case is a person's name) will auto-populate to the field.

    I have moved this field up to the general area for the event page in your test database.  (It actually 'lives' in the Financials expansion section within the Details section tab on the layout.)

    Please test this solution to see if it meets your requirements.

    Thank you for posting on the Ungerboeck Support Center.

  • Ayal Mesher

    Thanks Sean and Danna,

    Sean - I do agree that training could supersede this control. Not my decision to make though

    Danna - Thanks for updating that in our test environment. That could solve our issue, I've bounced it up to our sysadmin and we'll see if it could work.   

  • Sean Tame

    Version 30.95 - I'm finding that this has caused the Bill-To Contact to populate the Bill-To Account field.

    Eg, Account is ABC Co. and Mary is the Bill-To Contact for ABC Co.

    I add an Event for ABC Co. and I find that the Bill-To Account = Mary.  This means, of course, I cannot add Mary as a Bill-To Contact for the Event as she is not a Bill-To Contact for Herself. 

    Worse, is that the Event's Debtor Account becomes Mary and not ABC Co.

    Additionally, if I leave Mary's relationship type as Bill-To, I cannot see her in the Event Contact Dropdown, nor the Bill-To Contact Dropdown (when ABC Co. is manually set back as the Bill-To Account).

    Can this be verified?

  • Wendy Thompson

    Hi Sean,

    Best practice if you want the Account to be the Bill-To with an individual Contact is to set an Organization Relationship making the Account the Bill-To for itself, then selecting the Contact on the Edit Relationship window.  The Account and Contact will then default in the Bill-To Account/Contact fields when adding the Event.



  • Sean Tame

    Thanks, Wendy

    Do you mid detailing the steps?  I am following the steps in this article which should give me the outcome I'm looking for, eg When a new event is created, a bill-to contact can default into the Bill-To Contact field.

    The seven steps above are summarised as

    1. Create Account
    2. Add Contact selecting Bill-To as the contact type.

    I'm following those steps but I am not getting the bill-to contact defaulting into the Bill-To Contact field as described.

  • Wendy Thompson

    Hi Sean,

    Sorry for the confusion.  To set the Organization Account as the Bill-To and a Contact as the Bill-To Contact, please follow these steps:

    1. The Relationship for the Contact to the Account should be Contact, NOT Bill-To
    2. There should not be any Contact designated as Bill-To Contact or that will default to the Bill-To Account field on the Event
    3. On the Account, go to the Organizations tab/section > Add > Add an Existing Account (Child)
      • See the screen print in my previous post
      • Works with Parent Account as well
    4. In the Relationship field select the SAME account > change ‘is a’ to ‘Bill-To’ of the SAME account (see screen print)
    5. In the Contact field (under Advanced) select the existing Contact you want to be the Bill-To Contact > click OK
      • A new Contact can also be added from this field using the Add link in the footer
    6. You will be prompted that you are attempting to add a relationship to itself > click Continue
    7. Relationship is saved and can be seen as a Bill-To of … on the Organizations grid for the Account
      • Show the Contact field to see the Contact
    8. Add Event > select the Account > go to the Bill-To fields and see that the Account is defaulted as the Bill-To Account and the Contact is defaulted as the Bill-To Contact
    9. There can only be one Organization Relationship set up this way

    Hope that helps.  Let me know if you still have any quetions.



  • Sean Tame

    Thanks Wendy, but I'm not sure it does help.

    The nine steps you detail here are contradictory to the seven steps in this article.  I much prefer the seven steps in the article as it is much simpler and intuitive.

    You have multiple contacts on an Account, one of which should be the Bill-to contact.  We should just define that person as such, and have them default into the Bill-To Contact field as expected.

    Adding a company as a relationship to itself is not something anyone would ever think to do or remember.

    If we set the Bill-To Contact as a 'Contact' not a Bill-to as you state, does not allow you to visually see that this person is the Bill-To.  I'm not sure at all how I'm going to explain this to the end-user  😕

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Sean,
    Wendy and I made some updates to this article to help clarify the different scenarios and the steps for each of them. I have passed your feedback on to our Product Management Team to review and consider in the future.


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