Address types are used when an account or contact has multiple addresses, such as a Bill-to Address and a Ship-to Address.
Add an Address Type
- Click the Address Types link from the Main Menu. The Address Types page opens.
- Click the Add button. The Add Address Type window opens.
- Enter the necessary information:
- Description - Name of the address type.
- Abbrev Description - Shortened description of the address type.
- Address Class - Type of address.
- Status - Active address types are available for selection when adding a new address type to an account or contact.
- Code - Unique alphanumeric value.
- Click OK.
Change an Address Type
You can change the information for an address type after you have created it. When you change the information for an address type, it updates wherever the address type is used. If you don't want to update the already existing address type data, then you must add a new address type using the steps in Add an Address Type.
- Click the Address Types link from the Main Menu. The Address Types page opens.
- Select the address type to edit.
- Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Address Type window opens.
- Update the necessary information.
- Click OK.
Inactivate an Address Type
If you no longer use an address type but want to keep record of it for reporting or other purposes, you can make it inactive. When you make an address type inactive, it is no longer available for selection when adding additional addresses.
- Click the Address Types link from the Main Menu. The Address Types page opens.
- Select the address type to make inactive.
- Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Address Type window opens.
- Select Inactive from the Status drop-down.
- Click OK.
Delete an Address Type
If you no longer use an address type and don't want to keep a record of it, you can delete it. You cannot delete address types that are used. You cannot undo the delete process.
- Click the Address Types link from the Main Menu. The Address Types page opens.
- Right-click on the address type to delete.
- Select Mark for Delete.
- Click Save.
Is there any built-in functionality behind the Address Class options?
Hi Sean,
The Address Class is a USI defined field & the purpose is a reference point for the back office user to know if this is the main address, bill to address etc. There is no additional functionality behind it. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Thank you,
Erin Luber
Thanks Erin,
Only - how does the Back Office user know this? They only see the Address Type Description don't they?
If a member has more than one address (main & billing), is there a way to select which address to use when invoicing? (We have several members who want their venue address to show as their main address but have a different billing address for invoicing.)
Lori, see if this article helps you out.
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