
Assign User Defined Fields (UDFs) to Events



  • Permanently deleted user

    Is this the way for V20, does this work differently for V19.8?

  • Wendy Thompson

    Hello M,

    The steps for assigning the default UDFs to all events are the same in both v19 and v20.  The difference is in the layouts.

    In v19, all the UDFs are then displayed on the User Fields tab on the Add and Edit Event screen and there is not an option to move them on that layout or to other tabs on the Event.  If no UDF set is assigned, clicking that tab will display a message that it cannot be accessed because no default is assigned.  Required UDFs will be designated with the green background, and the user will be prompted to complete them if attempting to save Add/Edit Event without completing them.

    In v20 you need to place the UDFs where you want them to display as referenced in the above steps.  They can be on a section/tab created just for those fields, or on any of the other sections/tabs, and they don't all need to be displayed.

    If the UDF set has any required fields, if you don't place those on the layout yourself, they will automatically be displayed in the Add/Edit Event screen below the Header section.  If they are placed anywhere on the layout or included automatically, the user will also be prompted to complete any that are not completed on Save or OK.  In v20 these are designated with the red asterisk.

    Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

    Wendy Thompson

    Senior Quality Engineer

  • Michelle Herson

    Can you set up 2 different Event User Defined Fields?  We currently have a tab on our events for User Fields and we would like to create another one with different fields.  However, on the Event Management Configuration it looks like you can only select one set of "Event User Defined Fields".



  • Sean Tame

    Hi Michelle,

    I'm 99% sure the answer is no, BUT, with the flexibility of v20, you might not need this.  I'm presuming you need one set of fields for certain users to fill out for select events and other fields for others to fill out?  What you do is put ALL the possible UDFs into the single default event UDF set.  Next, create custom sections on the event screen and secure these against the relevant users, then place the relevant UDFs into that section.  Repeat for the other section(s) you need.  Now when user A opens an event, they will have a section for their fields and user B will have a different section.

    Hope that helps, let me know if you need further details.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Michelle,

    I was typing this answer just as Sean was apparently!

    Sean is right on track with his response and I was going to give the same suggestion as he did.



  • Michelle Herson

    Unfortunately, we have used all of our issue fields for that Event Sales Opportunity Master field set so that will not work.

  • Sean Tame

    Wow, really?  That's a lot of custom fields.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Michelle,

    I'd recommend scheduling some time with a consultant who can work with you on coming up with a solution that will best fit your scenario.  I am going to have Cammie, our Customer Success Coordinator, get in touch with you.



  • Michelle Herson

    Hi Sean,

    Yes, we use them for our iebms forms - online space request forms.  We try to gather as much information as possible from the request.



  • David Clifton

    Hi all,

    We have used all 50 fields within our database as well. To have additional fields available in the UDF data table would be handy.

    Cheers Dave

  • Kris Corrigan


    Can a custom field be assigned when cancelling an event?



  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting

    Kris - Not exactly sure what you mean - we don't have a way of requiring or adding a new UDF to an event under the condition that it's cancelled. However, we do have Event Cancellation Reasons. When an event's status gets changed to anything with a weight of 80 or higher, the system can require a reason to be entered. There is a master table where the reasons are configured. Thanks.

    Mark F

  • Kris Corrigan

    OK thanks Mark, that's clear enough.

    I was thinking a free text box but you have clarified this cant be done.


  • Kris Corrigan

    Can you add a 'Header' field from the opportunity type to and event, I have created 'Headers' but are unable to add them to an event.



  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting

    Kris - I'll assume you are talking about v20 rather than v19. While I haven't tested this specifically, I'd expect that headers for UDF/Custom Field sections would best be handled by read only text Custom Fields that can be added via the Edit Layout. That would take the place of needing to add actual Header fields from the Opportunity Type. Thanks.

    Mark F

  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Mark

    I was talking about V20, the only issue for the read only custom text is making this old etc.

    Where are the 'headers' stored in the event standard fields and cant they be added to the event like the other fields?

    Also what other 'Type' fields don't pull through?



  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Mark

    To further add to this, adding the same field name as plain text isn't allowed due to the label already having this column name, however the column is not within the edit layout.



  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Mark

    Further development, I am able to choose the header line but not that straight forward, I have to change the type to alphanumeric for this to show within my layout, add it to the event then change the type back to 'Header' whilst this is in my event.



  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting

    Kris - that does not sound like expected behavior. It's likely something our client care should look at. If you don't mind, please enter a ticket with this information. Thanks.

    Mark F

  • Gavin Gilmartin


    I would like another two fields on the Edit Event screen for Event Contact/Account similar to the existing Account/Contact and Bill-To Account/Contact. I am currently unable to add the two fields via custom fields as the Account isn't an available field type option. Do you know if there is another way?

    Many thanks.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Gavin,

    You can create a group of user fields that you can assign to the event.  See the Creating UDFS section of the Creating Custom Fields/User Defined Fields (UDF's) article. In step 1, you'll use the Opportunity Types screen under the Event Management & Coordination menu option.  In step 6, you'll select Account from the Type drop-down for the Account field and Contact from the Type drop-down for the Contact field. This will allow your users to select existing accounts and contacts.  

    You can then use the instructions in this article to assign them to all events and have them available to be added to your screen layout.



  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Has Opportunity Types been removed from 20.93 hotfix 2018072701? Can't find it on the main menu?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Gavin,

    No, it should be there. I'm seeing it in a later hotfix so there's no reason it shouldn't be available to you. Double-check your access management and if you can't see a Deny in there, then submit a case with our Client Care Team and they can work with you on what may be happening.



  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Hi Maggie,

    I want the newly created Event Contact UDF to show contacts from the newly created UDF Event Account. Is it possible to change the relationship? Currently the Event Contact field displays the actual Account Contact. I want it to show the values from the Event Account selected.


    Hope this makes sense.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Gavin,


    If I understand correctly, you want to limit the options in the Contacts field based on the value you have selected for the Account. In UDFs, these fields are independent of each other so you can't limit the selection of the Contacts field based on the selection of the Accounts field.

    The main Account and Contact fields on the Add/Edit Event screen are designed to behave that way - is there a reason you aren't using these fields and are instead capturing this in a UDF?



  • Gavin Gilmartin

    We're using the main Account and Contact but need another instance of this.

  • Wendy Thompson

    Hi Gavin,

    Are you currently using the Requester Account and Contact fields for something else? 

    If not, that is a possibility.  They default to the Event Account and Contact, but can be changed, and they behave like the Event Account and Contact fields.

    They can be found on the Ungerboeck default layout on the Details tab.



  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Thank you Wendy. We've used Bill-To, Account and Requester.

  • Jo Dadd

    I think the answer to this will be no,  but can you assign different Event UDFs to a different theme - this would allow me to assign different UDFs based on what a user need to complete their tole?



  • Wendy Thompson

    Hi Jo,

    In v20/30, as long as all the UDFs are in the same Issue/Opportunity Type, which is set as the default in Organization Parameter EMEI10, you can choose which of them you want on different themes and where you want them to display within Edit Event.  The UDF fields are not automatically added to Edit Event unless they are set as Required on the Issue/Opportunity Type, so must be manually added to the layout.

    If you need some of them to be required for some Roles and  not others, use Field Restrictions instead of making them required on the Issue/Opportunity Type Custom Fields (which requires them for all users/roles).

    I hope that helps.


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