
Assign User Defined Fields (UDFs) to Events



  • Sean Tame

    Hi Jo,

    Often I will create a Custom Section and make that section availability only to a certain Role(s) and then place the applicable UDFs on that section.

  • Bonnie Ma


    I have setup a formula at UDF at Event to filter the income for different anchor venue.  The original field has another formula in numeric.   However, when I create this new UDF and filter from the original one, it is unable to display in numeric but only show the value in text.   Is there any reason? 


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Bonnie,

    I sounds like you are using Formula fields, You can set these fields to be Text, Numeric or Date/Time if this field is on the Events screen, you can edit it by doing the following:

    1. Click the Edit Layout link on the bottom right of the screen. Edit Layout for the Events screen opens.
    2. Locate the field that is showing as text. 
    3. Hover on the field name and an Edit button displays. It's blue with a little pencil in it. The Edit Formula Custom Field screen opens.
    4. Select Numeric from the Data Type drop-down.
    5. Click OK.

    That should reformat that field to be numeric instead of text. Let us know how it goes!


  • Bonnie Ma

    Hi Maggie, 

    Yes.  I am setting a formula to filter the data from the row next to the new field (screen cap below).   Condition is "if" the anchor venue is "x", then will show the value of field "Estimated", else "0". 

    Estimated is the original field.  (New) Estimated is the field just created.   When I choose the data type as numeric, the field shows no value. 

    However, after I change the format to text, it shows the value.  

    I have no clue about why it is unable to display in numeric value. 




  • Maggie U.

    Hi Bonnie,

    Very wacky! I sent this over to one of our formula field experts to have him take a look and see if he has any thoughts. I'll respond when I hear back from him.



  • Justin Ungerboeck


    Without seeing the actual formula, I'm guessing that one of the fields in your formula is a text field/stored as text and not a number. It's throwing off the formula when you try to display as text. Could you share the formula?



  • Jo Dadd

    Hi can some help I have event UDF's set up in each of the 4 orgs I manage - the configuration is set for the correct set of UDFs but all the UDFs have disappeared from the event screen(s) does anyone know why or how this could happen and more importantly how I can correct the issue



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Jo,

    If the user field set is removed from the drop-down on the Event Management Configuration screen, then the fields won't show on the layout (assuming they are placed on the screen layout). But once you add that field set back to the drop-down on the Event Management Configuration screen, the fields will show up again (again, assuming they are placed on the screen layout).

    The only way I can think of where user fields are removed from a screen layout is if they are manually moved or the Reset button is used on the Edit Layout screen which sets the screen back to the default screen layout which does not include the user fields.

    You can also double-check to make sure you are reviewing the correct layout - is it possible the fields were never added to one of the screen layouts? Do you know if anything changed with the event UDF setup - was the value changed or the fields changed or anything like that?


  • Stephanie Bok

    this does nothing for me

    when I do the first step, nothing gets created to add to the event page.

    how do I add a yes/no button to the event?

    why is ungerboeck so hard????

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Stephanie,

    Sorry to hear that you are frustrated. That is definitely not what we want! Someone will reach out to you shortly to help you!



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