
Activity Email Notification Template



  • Sean Tame

    I have extracted the hyperlink details for the Actions but is there a way to insert them from a list (like inserting a merge field?)  Is there a list of available actions and their syntax?

  • Sean Tame

    Is there a corresponding configuration for the Purchase Order approval e-mail?

  • Carrie Spalding

    Sean, unfortunately there isn't a corresponding configuration for PO's.  I have submitted your other question, about inserting Actions via a list) to Product Management and will get back to you as soon as possible.


  • Sean Tame


  • Nadena Singh

    Is there a specific list of phrases we should be using in the subject line and body of the email to get certain fields to populate. Such as *EventID* or *EventName*?

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Nadena,

    Try pressing [F2] in the subject field to get the insert merge field window.

  • Michelle Herson


    It is actually Shift [F2] to get the insert merge field window



  • Kris Corrigan

    Is it possible to create more than 1 template?

  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi  Kris,

    You can only have 1 Activity Email Notification Template.



  • Bray Hudson-Croft


    I have configured the template, and I have set one users to receive notifications by email and within Ungerboeck (understanding that it will use the fastest form of delivery, so if they are logged in then they wont get the email)

    However it is not working, emails are not being received by users at all.

    Any ideas on what else I need to change to get this working?


  • Carrie Spalding

    Bray, without more information it's difficult to say.  This could be a couple of different things, and it would honestly be easier and get you answers more quickly if you called the support line or enter a ticket.



  • Levin Shum

    Hi there,


    In v19, the corresponding "Email Recipient Now" checkbox can default as checked.

    Can that be done in v20? Because the auto email feature does not seem to be working and users would like to have the email notification be sent right away.


    Thank you,


  • Levin Shum

    Hi there,


    I just got the auto email feature to work. But I still want to know in v20, can the "Email Recipient Now" checkbox be default as checked?


    Thank you,


  • Carrie Spalding


    Glad you got it working!  However, I'm sorry to have to tell you there is not currently an option in v20 to default it to Email Recipient Now.


  • Brandy Leitner

    Is there a way to add the booked space into the Email Subject or Body?

  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Brandy,

    To enter wildcards in the subject line of an email and merge template, click in the Email Subject field and click Shift +F2. The wildcard window will display and you can choose the various wildcards for that subject (i.e. if you chose Events, the wildcards will display Event wildcards).

    If your email and merge template does have the subject of Events, follow the steps mentioned and locate the wildcard 'Booked Spaces'.

    Is this what you are looking for?

    Kaitlyn Batliner

    Ungerboeck Consultant

  • Brandy Leitner

    Thanks Kaitlyn. I don't see Booked Spaces as an option. How do I get this?

  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Brandy,

    What is the email and merge template subject?

    Kaitlyn Batliner

    Ungerboeck Consultant

  • Brandy Leitner

    This is what we currently have in the Email Subject field:

    *Event* - *Event ID - Event* - Event Start Date: *Start Date - Event*

  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Brandy,

    When you log into Ungerboeck, go to the Main Menu and search for Email and Merge Templates. Edit the template you are wanting to add the wildcard to the Email Subject.

    Is the Template subject Events? Like in the image below?

    If so, click in the 'Email Subject' field and click Shift + F2. The wildcard window will display and you can choose the various wildcards for that subject. If you are not able to get this window to arise, please reach out to client care or your consultant for further assistance.

    Kaitlyn Batliner

    Ungerboeck Consultant

  • Tony Costantino (DeBartolo Performing Arts Center)

    Looking for someone else to verify something for me. Unchecking the 'Active' checkbox effectively stops ALL email notifications of activities, correct?

    My users are getting notifications from the Test database so I'm looking for a good way to stop that without needing to bother USI to change a config file on the server.

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Tony,

    I confirmed with our Development team that the 'Active' checkbox on Add/Email Subject Template only filters based on the event.  It does not stop all email notifications of activities.  If you are wanting to configure it this way you can set the default activity on organizational parameter AA931.  There may be a specific configuration window you use on your end to set this though. 


    Ryan Canny

    Quality Assurance 

  • Tony Costantino (DeBartolo Performing Arts Center)

    Hi Ryan - sorry, I was referring to the Activity Email Notification Template, not a generic email template. The problem I'm trying to solve is to find a way to easily disable activity notifications out of our TEST environment. It's hosted so I don't have direct access to backend config files.

    I was wondering if I uncheck the 'Active' box, does that disable this template and thus prevent activity notification emails from being sent? (My own testing suggests the answer is 'no')

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Tony,

    My apologies you are correct.  The only workaround would be to go to the Add Activity window from Activities and unselect the Email Recipient Now checkbox.



  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Tony,

    Another thing to check would be the User settings for your users in the Test environment and adjusting their Activity Notifications accordingly.

    Off of the Main Menu, go to the Users window. On the User Preferences & Defaults tab, you can check/uncheck how the user would like to receive Activity notifications - either via Email or Ungerboeck notification on the global navigation bar.

    Kaitlyn Batliner

    Ungerboeck Consultant

  • Abhishek. Mathur

    Hi UB Team

    Could you please advise if one organisation can use only one "activity notification template " or multiple ones can be used depending on the requirements



  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Abi,

    Only one activity email notification template can be used across all organizations at one time.



    Ungerboeck Quality Assurance


  • Sean Tame

    What exactly is Subject ID 92?  It does not seem to display a description as the others do.

    There are many Event fields available but Booked Spaces or Anchor Venue Venue is not amongst them.  Is there any way to merge the space into the notification?

  • John Padgett

    Hi Sean,


    The Subject ID 92 corresponds to the "My Activities". My understanding is that it's a subject that is confined to this specialized template window. Right now, the fields you specified aren't usable by that subject.

    You may be able to work around this with an EZWriter template with a data source that pulls the fields you need.

  • Kenneth Hui


    i am trying to modify the Email Template as below:

    Due: *Due* *Due Time*
    *HTML Text*
    Entered By: *Entered By*

    And enter multi-line with line break text like below:

    Line 1
    Line 2
    Line 3

    Unfortunately, i found the email result unexpected as below (line break are missed):

    Due: 11/03/20 16:10
    Line 1  Line 2 Line 3
    Entered By: TEST USR (TESTUSR)

    And i try the same by *Text*, but no luck the same return, am i missed something?



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