
Activity Email Notification Template



  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Kenneth,

    Something does appear to be off with the line break.  Please enter a ticket so our Development team can review.  

    Thank you,



  • Jason Rief

    I'm trying to get the email notification set up. I'm receiving the activity notification in Ungerboeck but not via email. Can anyone give some ideas of why it might not be working?? Thanks

  • Kenneth Hui

    Hi Jason, if you check the email recipient now box yet? 

  • Jason Rief

    Not 100% sure what you are referring to Kenneth. Is this what you are talking about?

  • Jason Rief

    Kenneth, I found the checkbox you were referring to. If I add a single activity to an event the email works. I am trying to get to send emails when using an activity checklist. Thanks

  • Brett Ward

    Do the links work in V30? 

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Brett,

    Can you elaborate on what you mean by the links working in v30?



  • Brett Ward

    Hi Ryan, 

    If I remember correctly, the activity and associated action would load automatically after logging into V20 (e.g. When you clicked mark as complete, the activity window would display and be marked as complete after you logged in). In V30, nothing happens after I login.

  • Ryan Canny

    Thanks Brett. Yes, you are correct. The Edit Activity link appears to be working but not the Mark as Complete, Mark as Complete and Add Activity or Dismiss links in v30. I will get a case assigned for Development to look into this further.

  • Brett Ward

    Thanks Ryan.

  • Mudit Dhebar - Business Systems

    Hi Team - when selecting multiple recipients in the add activity field, the email notification template does not show that the full list of recipient, is this currently available ? 


    When you get the email notification, the Recipient field does not pull all the recipient from the list.



  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Mudit,

    When you add an activity and select multiple Recipients, an activity gets added for each Recipient selected. Therefore, each activity entry has only 1 Recipient. Each recipient will receive their own activity notification. Thus, you will only see the one recipient name listed as the Recipient on the email notification.

    Kaitlyn Batliner
    Senior Consultant

  • Kieron Marshall

    I am trying to edit our default activity template, I have gone to email and merge templates and chosen it but it is not editable. so I have created a copy and made my relevant changes.

    How do I make that the default activity email template? I think I am missing something somewhere.

    -- If from the menu I go acitivity email notification template it brings up a add new template, but it wont let me progress as their either as I cant change the subject, its blank and I cant save it there either.

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Kieron,

    We recently made some changes to Activity Email Notification Templates and patched them to .97 B and .96 F a few weeks ago so once you are on the latest hotfix branch this should resolve the issue you are experiencing.  I did test in our Quality databases and can confirm I am not having this issue with the latest code.  The default will come from Activity Email Notification Templates off the main menu.  I spoke with our Development team and you are not able to change the subject on the template and you will have to pull wildcards from the activities subject.  If you are still experiencing this issue after getting on the latest hotfix please enter a ticket with Client Care so our Development team can look into this further.



  • Michelle Herson


    Can you set up the Activity Notification with a link to an Event?  For example, when sending an Event Activity we have the Event ID automatically populate on the notification email.  Can that ID be linked so that when you get the email you can click on the Event ID and it will open Ungerboeck to that event?


  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Michelle,

    Currently it is not possible to set up the Activity Email Notification Template to link to an event activity with Event ID. I would recommend you re-post your question in our CRM Product Ideas Forum (see link below) so our Product Management team can review this as a potential future enhancement. 




  • Tiina Malmström


    I¨'ve changed our Activity Email Notification Template so it now displays the fields (Event Description, Start Date etc), but before changing we also had 3 links in the Template:

    Marks as Complete

    Mark as Complete and Add New Activity

    Edit Activity

    How do I go about to add these links into the template again?



  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Tiina,

    The Activity Email Notification Template links should not have been removed when inserting additional fields like this. Please reach out to our Client Care team and they can assist further with getting the Mark as Complete, Mark as Complete and Add New Activity and Edit Activity links back into your template. 



  • Nina Dennison

    Can we get Updated instructions on how to set Activity Email Notifications, the newest version is asking for Missing Parameters details and the Wildcard options DON'T give anything regarding the Activities List.  We're looking for a Real Notification for the Scheduled Activities on the list we created. 


    Email Subject: (Show Name) Activities Due

    Email Body:  Hi Rep,  These are the Activities Due for (show).

    (this is were you Bullet point the list of Activities Due)

    1. Show-Prep

    2. Pre-Show

    3. Review... etc.

    The current notifications are Useless to us. Emails would at least give us a clearer view than a long laundry list of items showing as "NEW" from the beginning. 

  • Dustin Banks

    Nina Dennison,

    This does not look like our standard shipped activity notification. We also do not show a list of activities. The activity notifications will give you a notification per activities sent to the account rep of the activity when they have it configured. 

    What you are describing looks like a custom process created by your organization or Technical Solutions for your organization. What is the workflow you are doing to get missing parameters?

    Right now, we don't have away to send out real time email templates that are not tied to a report. If your company has scheduled tasks setup, you can scheduled a dummy report or one that makes sense. Then choose your email template that will be send along with the report. If you schedule it from main menu, we do not allow templates to be selected then so you would have to do it from a report list. 


  • Nina Dennison

    Hello Dustin Banks

    I think there's a confusion on what I mean about Notifications for Activities, this is not for shipments. In the instructions here, it notes that you can send an Email notification about an Activity due, but in the Email setup there isn't a note about WHAT Activity is Due. We created a repeatable Activity list, and it populates in our Activity Tab on the Event, but there are no email notifications being sent about them being due. We only get the "Bell" notification in Unger, even when we select to have an Email sent, and a list on our Dashboard, there are no notifications to help our Reps.  The "Activity Email Notification Template" doesn't have the fields of information to match the activities list we created, meaning no option to choose "Activity list". It only allows us to put in other information from the event.  

    A true "Activity Notification" would be based off the list we created to let us know its time is coming due. The idea of a report is maybe a back up or work around, but too cumbersome & manual a project for our list, thanks for the idea though. 



  • Dustin Banks

    Nina Dennison, the report is just a way to get an email template resolved. We do not currently offer stand alone email templates so it has to be tied to a report execution. You could even just nest the email template in a word merge document and set that document up as a word report. As for activities being sent out for this thread, it requires the Azure task turned on which your account manager can send me a request for if that's what you want. It has to go through the account manager since there is specific information that I need to do a setup. 

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