
Order Categories



  • Eileen Durand

    Using the order category would be great if you could select more than one category when filtering.  It seems that you can only filter by one at a time, so if you want to choose two order categories for a view, you are unable to do so. Wondering if anyone else has thought this as well.  Thanks.

  • Sean Tame

    This is a brilliant feature.  Is it limited to 'Service Orders' though?  We want to run our orders from Forecast through to Actual but it seems Forecast Orders are a different 'type' as well as a different phase.  I need to be able to use the categories at the forecast phase so there is consistency when they are copied over to the Ordered phase.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Sean,

    This is currently limited to only service orders.



  • Eileen Durand

    Maggie, is there a way to have the order category be a drop down choice when filtering as opposed to only having one at a time?  Thank you.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Eileen,

    The order category filter currently only filters for one category at a time.  I can understand the benefit of it being multi-select.  Please enter an enhancement request with our Client Care Team so they can route it to our Product Managers. 


  • Permanently deleted user


    I'd like to second Sean's enthusiasm for this feature, and the request to extend Order Categories to Forecast Orders.



  • Hello Ungerboeck - has extending Order Categories to Forecast Orders made it's way up the feature list yet?!



  • Sean Tame

    Two things consistently stop me from being able to use Forecast Orders.

    1. You cannot convert a bunch of Forecast Orders to Service Orders (and have the Service Orders attached to the same Function that the Forecast Order is attached to
    2. Forecast Orders cannot be added via the Order Category layouts.

    Please PLEASE consider.

  • I'd also add:  ability to copy from a Service Order to a Forecast Order.

    (these are now posted as a Venue Product idea:  https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360010060973-Expand-Forecast-Order-feature-set )


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Zak and Sean,

    These aren't on the upcoming development schedule so nothing in the plans as of right now.




  • Hello - bumping this thread: any hope yet for Forecast Orders to join the Order Categories club?


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