You use usages on the Bookings tab and/or Functions tab of an event to define how a particular booking or function is used. Usages provide additional information for bookings and functions. Some common examples of usages include Move In, Event, Move Out, Planning, Parking, Break, Breakout Session and Seminar.
You can also use booking usages to default start and end times to a booking or to limit the available booking rates for a space. See Default Booking Times with Usages and Display Booking Rates Based on the Usage for more information.
Add a Usage
- Click the Usages link from the Main Menu. The Usages screen opens.
- Click the Add button. The Add Usage screen opens.
- Enter the necessary information:
- Description – Name of the usage.
- Code – Unique alphanumeric value.
- Category – Category for usage. See Function Categories for more information.
- Type – Activity taking place for the usage such as move in (In), actual event activity (Event), etc.
- Sort Order – Numeric value to determine the order the usages display in the Usages drop-down.
- Text Color – Text color when the usage displays in drop-downs and screens.
- Background Color – Background color when the usage displays in drop-downs and screens.
- Default Function Class – When creating a booking usage, the function class to automatically assign to functions created using function scripting.
- Performance - If checked, the usage is available for a box office interface. Only check this check box if you are using a box office interface. If this box is checked and you do not use a box office interface, you can receive error messages.
- Select the Bookings tab.
- Enter the necessary information:
- Use For Bookings – If checked, the usage is available when booking spaces for an event. These usages are still also available for functions.
- Booking Calendar Display – A single character used to represent the usage on the Booking Calendar. You may use special characters.
- Use for Utilization – If checked, the usage is included in utilization reporting.
- Default Unit of Time – Default unit of time to use for the booking when the usage is selected.
- Allow Default Times – If checked, you can configure default booking start and end times for the usage. Once a usage is assigned to a booking, the start and end times for the booking are set to the values entered into the Default Booking Start Time and Default Booking End Time.
- Use Defaults from Unit of Time – If checked, the default start and end times, maximum start and end times, maximum hours and additional rates configured for the unit of time selected in the Default Unit of Time drop-down are used.
- Default Booking Start Time - Default time for the booking when the usage is selected. You must enter a time equal to or later than the time entered into the Minimum Booking Start Time field.
- Default Booking End Time - Default end time for the booking when the usage is selected. You must enter a time equal to or earlier than the time entered into the Maximum Booking End Time field.
- Minimum Booking Start Time – Earliest start time for a booking when the usage is selected.
- Maximum Booking End Time – Latest end time for a booking when the usage is selected.
- Maximum Base Rate Hours - Maximum number of hours to charge the base (standard) rate. See Additional Space Booking Rates for Single Day Bookings for more information.
- Additional Hour Rate – Resource type to use for additional hours booked beyond the maximum base rate hours. See Additional Space Booking Rates for Single Day Bookings for more information.
Click OK.
Change a Usage
You can change the information for a usage after you have created it. When you change the description, category, type or sort order for a usage, it updates wherever the usage is used. If you change the booking settings for a usage, the new values are used the next time the usage is assigned to a booking; it does not automatically update bookings already assigned to the usage.
- Click the Usages link from the Main Menu. The Usages screen opens.
- Select the usage to edit.
- Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Usage screen opens.
- Update the desired information.
- Click OK.
Inactivate a Usage
If you no longer use a usage but want to keep record of it for reporting or other purposes, you can make it inactive. When you make a usage inactive, it is no longer available for selection in the Usage drop-down.
- Click the Usages link from the Main Menu. The Usages screen opens.
- Select the usage to make inactive.
- Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Usage screen opens.
- Check the Retire check box.
- Click OK.
Delete a Usage
If you no longer use a usage and don't want to keep a record of it, you can delete it. You cannot delete a usage if it is used. You cannot undo the delete process.
- Click the Usages link from the Main Menu. The Usages screen opens.
- Right-click on the usage to delete.
- Select Mark for Delete.
- Click the Save button.
I am cleaning up unused usage at the moment. Function scripting appear to have a long list to select from. Having read the above, I am unsure how to have usage for either 'booking only' or 'functions' only. You state above:
This is not the behaviour I experience. e.g. I have usage 'Organisers Office' this only has a tick in 'use for bookings' but it is available in the function selection. How can it be excluded from functions?
Theresa - I believe our article is misleading and I'll have it corrected. By checking the Use For Bookings box, it means the Usage will be available for both Functions and Bookings. We do not have a way of creating a Usage that's only available for bookings and not functions.
Mark F
Hi there,
Is there a way of retiring a usage that we no longer require? We are not able to delete it as it is in use for some of our spaces which are booking lines for rooms (Service Order Items).
1) Is there a way of reclassifying the booking lines using edit multiple? We think the only way to do this is by seeing all the individual Service Order Items for all events and seeing what usage was selected and reclassifying them. Is there a way to do this as we have not been able to filter down?
We have been able to reclassify at Function level for live events (not cancelled or lost) but not Booking level. We understand that as the utlilisation for booking tick makes the usages available for both Functions and Booking.
2) How do we reclassify the cancelled / archived events to then be able to delete the usage?
3) When we un-tick the use for utilisation and booking - that usage still appears. Is there a way of to stop it from being an option?
I hope that makes sense - thanks!
Hi Jam,
Currently there is no way to retire a usage but I do have good news that it has been added for .97 which is expected for release in the next few weeks! I personally would wait until you upgrade to that version and then use the retire feature as it will be much easier than having to reassign usages and trying to "hide" it from being selected.
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