
Create Word Merge Documents Using the Office Add-In



  • Sean Tame

    Hi Mudit & Rob,

    I've found the best and easiest way to do this is with Formula fields (as opposed to Data Sources).  The formatting and use is 1,000% easier.

    Try a formula field like the below for a long date format.
    =TEXT({Date},"dddd, dd MMMM YYYY")


  • Theresa Gorman

    I had this issue with the date as contracts should really be written in long date format.  I was told to create a custom field with the format required then use this field in the merger - this has worked well for me.

    Here is the formula I used for long date

    =text(value({Written Date}),"dddd dd mmmm yyyy")

  • Mudit Dhebar - Business Systems

    Hi Sean and Theresa,

    Thanks for your inputs, this has helped on date format issue.

    Kind Regards,


  • Pat Falkner

    Do Word merge documents not work in v19.9?

    I created data source (in v19) to gather event, venue, and registrant information.

    I went into the Event Template Folder (I also tried the Account Template Folder) and added a Microsoft Word document and marked it as a Word Merge

    The document opened and I went to the Ungerboeck tab

    I specified source, selected the wildcard I wanted (REGFIRSTNAME) to insert and clicked insert button

    Nothing was inserted into the document. I was expecting to see *REGFIRSTNAME* next to Dear

    I verified I had the current Ungerboeck Office Add-in 20.9.03.  There are no office addins for v19.

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Pat,

    The Merge process for v19 and v20 are completely separate. 

    Are you trying to complete this process in v19?  If so, you need to create the old Word Merge Data source text files.  In the Document Properties window you need to select the 'Merge' checkbox and select the text data source in the dropdown.  Then you use the Word Mail Merge features to add the merge fields.

    If you want to complete the process in v20 (recommended) you need to be adding your documents from the 'Account Template Documents' or 'Event Template Documents' option.  Then check the Word Merge checkbox as you have done above.  Then you can use the Ungerboeck ribbon to add the merge fields.  The Data Source options you will see are a combination of Ungerboeck Subjects and your own 'Email and Merge Template' entries.

    I hope that clears it up a little??

  • Pat Falkner

    Yes, I'm trying to process a Word merge in v19.  We are experiencing too many issues with v20 for us to go there.

    I can't find any documentation for v19 Word merges. I'm not sure what you mean by "old Word Merge Data Source Text Files".

    In v19 Under Query & Reporting, I did complete the EZWriter Merge Data Source using the necessary SQL. I also completed the Merge Data Format but I can't get anything to appear in the dropdown next to the Merge checkbox in the document properties.

  • Pat Falkner

    Out of curiosity, I tried to do this in v20 and still can't get merge fields to  insert. I even created new USIShell docs and it still doesn't work.  I will go to plan C.

  • Sean Tame

    When you say you can't get them to insert, what exactly is happening?

  • Pat Falkner

    I highlight the field from the list, click insert (or drag/drop) and the code for the field doesn't insert into the word doc.

    I expected the Word doc to show Dear *REGFIRSTNAME* after insert but it just stayed as Dear.

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Pat,

    Are you saying the merge tags are not being saved in the Template doc or that after you create a document from the template the merge value is not being populated?

    If it is the former, then you'd need a support case I'd think.  If it's the latter, then I think it will all come down to matching the Subject that you selected the wildcard from with the Origin of where you are creating the document from.


  • Pat Falkner

    I don't even get to the point of saving the template doc. I created a new template, select the data source (which happens to be a data source I created with SQL) select the field I want to insert into the body of the Word doc template, click the insert button and nothing happens. No tag is inserted into the document template.

    I've resorted to plan C and doing the merge outside of EBMS.  Created a report to export the data to Excel and then execute the merge "the old fashioned way" directly in Word.

  • Sean Tame

    Just wondering why there is no Opportunity/Issue data source?

    I'm trying to create merge documents to send from an Opportunity but cannot see a way to merge fields other than to create an EZWriter source.  Is this our only option?

  • Theresa Gorman

    Sean - I believe the opportunity/issue fields are contained within the subject you select, so if you select account as the subject the opportunities/issues will be available within that list

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Theresa,

    Thanks for your suggestion but when selecting All Accounts (3) as the Source, I don't see any Opportunity related fields.

  • Sean Tame

    Any chance of getting the full 'Address - xxxx' option added to Contracts?  We have it for Events but not Contracts.

  • Gavin Gilmartin

    I'm looking to insert a specific payment schedule and its payment steps using an event template document but seem to be struggling. Does anyone else know how I can achieve this?

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Gavin,

    I would encourage you to reach out to your Customer Success Manager so they can help walk you through this process.



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