
Add an Event Opportunity



  • Gavin Gilmartin

    What is the purpose of the field Allow as Meeting Status on the Event/Job/Booking Status? Does it restrict the status' that display on the Meetings window? I don't want all status' to show on the Meetings window but even though I've used that field it still displays all status'.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Gavin,

    You are correct - that check box controls which status display in the Status drop-down on the Add/Edit Meetings screen. You'll want to uncheck it for any statuses you want to hide for Meetings. I did a quick test in v20.95D and found that the Status filter on the Meetings screen and the drop-down on the Add/Edit Meeting screen are respecting this check box. Are you looking at those same screens or is there a different screen I can check to make sure it's working as expected?


  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Hi Maggie,

    Thank you for getting back to me. I am using the same screens but the functionality doesn't work in 20.94H so i'll upgrade to 20.95D as you've advised.

    Thank you for clarifying.


  • Maggie U.

    **Edited to update this information that as of .95D, the Event Scope value is not required for the status to show as a Meeting/Event Opportunity status.

    Hi Gavin,

    I was working on some documentation and did run across something that may help - make sure you have the Event Scope set to either Event, Function or Both. It can be any of those values. If that is not set, then even with the check box checked, the status won't show on the Add Meeting screen.

    Hopefully that was the missing piece!


  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Thanks for the advice Maggie. I had the event scope set to both but it's still not displaying and i've just upgraded to 20.94K.

  • Maggie U.

    Sorry that didn't work - was hoping that was the missing piece! I tested in my v20.94K database and it worked as I expected. If you want to post some screen prints here of your status set up, I'm happy to see if I can keep troubleshooting or you can enter a ticket with our Client Care Team with screen shots - whichever you prefer. 



  • Mag

    Hi Team,

    I am trying to book spaces tentatively in the event opportunity window. How can I go about that?



  • Ryan G.

    Hi Mag,

    I see that you're already working with our client care team on this. Please let me know if you need any further assistance. Thanks!

  • Mag

    Hi Ryan,

    thanks for reaching out. The CC Team has just informed me that I need to create an event to be able to book any space in the Event Opportunity window. My assumption was that the users create Event Opportunity and soft-book the spaces. Once they convert the customer and sign the contract then the users should create the actual Event. Does it not defeat the purpose of the Event Opportunity window if I have to maintain similar information under Event Opportunities and Events? 

    Best, Mag 

  • Erin Luber

    Hi Mag,

    Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, there is no workaround for you to tie your booked spaces in with Event Opportunities. I am happy to tell you we are in the process of planning future enhancements for Event Opportunities; one of which is potentially holding space via an Event Opportunity. I don't have an eta at this time; but will update you here when I do.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.



  • Erin Luber


    When adding an event from an Event Opportunity or booking space on the calendar from an Event Opportunity, several workflow changes have been made: 

    - When opening the Booking Calendar or Event Calendar from an Event Opportunity, if space(s) are booked which results in an event being created, the event will inherit the account, contact, bill-to, category, class, type, salesperson, attendance, public, sensitivity, event description, legal name and alternate descriptions from the original Event Opportunity. The resulting event will also be saved on the Event Opportunity. 

    - The Event Opportunity Dates grid now offers right click actions to Create Event and (view) Booking Calendar. Both of these actions will take the start/end, in/out of each date pattern into account on the resulting event (Create Event action) or establishing the initial dates when opening the Booking Calendar. 

    - If an event is already linked to an Event Opportunity, the Create Event action and the view Booking Calendar options will be unavailable. 

    - If the Create Event or Booking Calendar actions are selected from the Event Opportunity Dates grid, and new events are created via these methods, the resulting events will be linked to the alternate date sets and indicated as such in a new column - Event.  

  • Liz Cuffe

    Hi Erin,

    Will this functionality be added to Opportunities as well?  Would save a lot of time when adding an Event from an Opportunity if account fields etc were drawn in from the Account.

  • Erin Luber

    Hi Liz,

    These enhancements were done only to Event Opportunities. I'm not sure about future plans around Opportunities I'll share this enhancement request with the CRM Product Manager, Andrea Bemis. Please feel free to post your request in the Community > Product Ideas > CRM Product Ideas.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.


    Erin Luber

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