
Legacy Membership Types



  • Mudit Dhebar - Business Systems

    Hi USI,

    Is there any way where we can assign multiple membership types to one member rather creating another record in Ungerboeck?



  • I too have wondered the same thing in the past. I guess it's quite a fundamental change to the system/database, but then again it may be as simple as changing the "relationship" and tweaking the UI to show a multi-select...

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Mudit.

    I have had a slightly similar need in the past and have created a third membership type where a person who was both A and B Type was a C type member.  This would of course depend on the possible number of combinations you might have.

    I've usually tried to link the Member Type to the Membership Items purchased.  Eg, if you purchase a Gold membership, then that is your type.  If they purchase Gold Plus, then they are a different member type.  What is your situation?

  • Mudit Dhebar - Business Systems

    Hi Lee - Relationship in here does not help us to generate financials report based on the membership types as well as our internal workflow but good option though.

    Sean - We have more than three types at the moment in membership where as combination does not help if later on members think that they want to change from a,b to b,c or so on and would again lead into the report customizing based on the types / counts etc.

    I envisage to convert this as a part of an enhancement.

    Thanks to both of you.

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