
Payment Configurations



  • Kris Corrigan


    Is there any reason that when choosing 'Pay by Card' this doesn't generate an account that you have used or created to logon for the order and auto chooses the account for the event, however when choosing 'Pay by Later' this will use the account you have used or created or the order.


  • Carrie Spalding

    Hi Kris!

    Could you clarify what you're trying to do?  What steps are you taking, and where are you encountering the issue?

    Thank you!


  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Carrie

    Its when we are doing online orders via iEBMS, we have been testing the system and when logging in as a customer and choosing 'Pay Later' the address on the order and the invoice is the address I have created so for e.g ACC Liverpool, Kings Dock, Liverpool.

    However when I choose 'Pay by credit card' as the same customer the address on the order and the invoice is the address of main event and not mine as the customer.

    Below is the example, the 1st order shows the my address as the customer when I have chosen 'Pay Later', the other orders are the same customer (me) but with the option 'Pay by credit card' and this is not picking up my address and is picking up the address of the event account.  


  • Sam Wilson

    Hi Kris,

    This sounds like an issue with cached data within your browser. If you were using the same browser session for all of the testing, I'd recommend re-testing and restarting your browser between test "customers." 

    If you have been logged directly into Ungerboeck via Internet Explorer (IE), and are simultaneously testing from IE, please consider switching to Google Chrome or another browser when performing the testing. IE is known for caching data.

    Please let us know what you discover. If this doesn't turn out to be the issue, we should schedule a web-conference in order to fully document the issue.




  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Sam

    I have tried your outcome above and this hasn't worked, I have been testing and clearing in both chrome and IE, the problem only seems to occur when I am paying by credit card, when I choose 'Pay Later' the account I have used to login or create is chosen on the order.

    It would be good to have a call and run through this as it is important we get this sorted in order for us to go live with online ordering.



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