
Registration Form Templates: Payments Group



  • Asli Okur


    When the booker wants to add a new organization / individual as bill to account via public registration, there is an error message and the booker cannot proceed further, if the account/contact (with same email) is already in the system. 

    Is there a possibility to disable the duplicate check in this section? Or make the email field not required for bill to account selection? Or even better auto select the organization/individual account in system if all fields match or something?



  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Asli,

    You can disable this on the Sign In configuration, but this will also disable it on Sign Up at the beginning of registration as well. 

    One thing you might consider is to use the Bill Another functionality. This allows the user to choose another existing account that is related to them (based on the contact types you choose). 



  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    Hi Mike,

    the error described above by Asli now also appears when a completely new Account is entered. 

    Unfortunately the error code does not really help:

    The error appears both on PROD in .96D and TEST on .97B

    Do you have any Ideas how we can solve this?

    Thanks, Elisabeth 


  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Elisabeth,

    The weblog should give you a more detailed error. Please submit a ticket to Client Care with the relevant information/steps to recreate so we can take a look. 


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