
Space Features



  • Permanently deleted user

    In the list of specifications when using the iEMBS venue booking, I've noticed that for most spaces, features that aren't selected for that space are greyed out. But, for a couple spaces, features that are not selected are not shown at all (instead of being shown but greyed out)--how can I fix that discrepancy?

  • Caty Pomeroy

    Hi Ricardo-

    Thank your for reaching out. It appears that these are greyed out because there is no value assigned to them .

    From the spaces window, you would want to assign the features to the space for them to appear. 



  • Permanently deleted user

    Sorry, I think I was unclear--I was confused why they are greyed out for the 1st space in the above image but not visible at all for the 2nd space (instead of also being greyed out).

    But, I've discovered the reason. If one or more features are selected for a space, the ones not selected are greyed out. If no features are selected for a space, the ones not selected are completely excluded (rather than being greyed out).

  • Bonnie Ma


    If I would like to put the dimension of the stage, how can I add to the features?



  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting

    Bonnie - the space features can be numeric or binary (yes/no) so your options would be to either list the total area of the stage, or do two separate features: stage length and stage width. Thanks.

    Mark F

  • Michelle Herson


    We are using features to show clients what AV items are preset in our spaces.  We would like to be able to list these features on their auto confirmation emails sent by OSB.  When editing an email I can't find the features on the "insert Field" option for features.  Is it called something else?  Is there another way I can get the features to list in an email template?

    Thank you!

  • Erin Luber

    Hi Michelle,

    Yes, this is possible through a custom template with EZWriter. I am going to send your consultant an email to review how to do this with you.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions. 


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