
Memo Payment Plan Calculation Process



  • Shelby Dodge

    Where does it differentiate between the Memo Payment Plan and the Non-Memo Payment Plan? Is there an option that needs to be activated/deactivated?

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Shelby,

    Please refer to Organization Parameter AR303.

  • Shelby Dodge

    Morning Sean

    We're having some issues finding what you're talking about. Could you please offer some additional information?


  • Sean Tame

    Hi Shelby,

    You can find Org Parms via:

    • Main Menu | Organisation Master
    • Highlight your Org and select the Parameters icon
    • Search for module = AR and parameter = 303
    • I suggest you want to have 'Y' in the Alphanumeric value
  • Leslie McGhee

    Is there an actual view that matches the screenshot in the example? I only have 2 view options and neither look like the "payment plan calculation" example. I like how it has the "ordered total" area. My views don't have that option. Thanks 

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Leslie,

    The Ordered Total is a field that is available on your layout. On the Edit Customer Payment Plan screen, in the lower right corner, there is an Edit Layout hyperlink that you can use to control the fields on your screen and the order they display in. If you don't have that link, then you may not have access to make those changes and need to ask your system administrator to add that field to the screen for you.



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