
Event Profiles



  • Permanently deleted user


    Can anyone explain the difference between copying an Event and creating from an Event Profile?


  • Sean Tame

    Hi Asha,

    Event profiles are a different list to Events.  Events are 'real' events in the system whereas Profiles are a shell of what an event might be.  Profiles allow for timings to be expressed in a number of days/hours from a set date/time (to be supplied when the profile is used).  They also allow for a 'template account' to be assigned that is forced to be updated when creating an event from the profile.

    It is true that many people create 'dummy events' rather than profiles but hopefully, the Profile functionality will be ported to v20 very soon and include a lot of the more modern event features (that did not exist when profiles were born and were never updated).

    To answer your question more specifically, copying from profile allows you to create a 'standard' event ready for completion, rather than copying a 'specific' event that may contain bespoke elements not intended for all future events.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Sean,

    That is exactly what I thought, so best practice would be to set up event profiles as they can hold all the information as an event would.


    Thank you

  • Permanently deleted user

    Is there any plan to bring add/edit functionality to V20?


  • Ken Treadway

    We set out to get Jobs completed first, so that we could work on Event Profiles and Job Profiles at the same time.  Development work on bringing Jobs into v20/v30 is complete for the 20.95/30.95 release.  We hope to have the Profile functionality in the 20.95/30.95 release slated for the latter half of this calendar year.  It currently sits behind a few other priorities, but we do wish to get this in before the end of the year.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Great news!

    Thanks Ken

  • Asli Okur


    Is it possible to retire an event profile?

    Also, it would be great to be able to assign access rights to users or roles per event profile so that we can limit the available profiles for users.



  • Ken Treadway


    These are great ideas for us to consider!  We will get these concepts added to the backlog for Profiles to be able to accommodate this type of functionality.

    Ken Treadway

  • Luke Holliger

    Can you use a current event and make that an event profile, or do you need to start from scratch to create the profile? 

  • Wendy Thompson

    Hi Luke,

    At this time you are not able to make an existing event an event profile.  You would need to to start from scratch to create the profile.

    This has been requested as an enhancement in the past, but I am not aware of any current specific plans to implement it.


    Wendy Thompson

    Senior Quality Engineer

  • Silvana Pagnotta

    Yes, It sure would be a great feature to be able to create and event profile from an existing event


  • Heather Gruppelaar

    Can you edit an event profile and have an option to edit all events that have been created using that profile specifically adding scripts and service orders

  • Katie Eisenbath

    Hi Heather,

    At this time, there is not a way to update all events created by an event profile.  This would be a great enhancement, though.  I recommend posting it in the Venue Product Ideas.

  • Nina Dennison

    How do we add Functions when there's no "ADD" button in the Functions Tab, and no dropdown option that states how to add a function in Tools, View, or Add?? 

  • Sean Tame

    Nina Dennison,

    You should always have a default Function displaying.  Perhaps your view has it filtered out?  Change your view and when you see your default function (typically called Space and Charges) you can then right click to Insert After/Indented as you do for regular Events.

  • Nina Dennison

    Hi Sean,

    I used ALL columns an no function auto-populated in the Event Profile setup. 

  • Theresa Gorman

    Momentus Support Center

    Not sure if I am missing something or if there is a bug in version 23.1

    I have set up my profile for a 5 day event with bookings functions and orders.

    When I run recurring schedule, the bookings and functions all have correct dates and times but the service orders against each function are all entered as day 1 date?


  • Linda Moyer

    Hi Theresa! This sounds like something that our Support team should dig into. Please enter a support ticket (click Submit a Request at the top of this page) so they can take a look.

  • Silvana Pagnotta

    HI Theresa, I am also having challenges with event profiles. there used to be a way to offset hours vs clock.  I don't see that any more.  

    Additionally, we are encountering issues when creating event profiles with overnight orders. Has anyone else had this problem?

    We set up the start and end days to reflect day of event and next day ( day 0 and day 1) with start and end times of 2300hr - 0700hr but the system throws an error. It only allows us to enter the profile from midnight onward .


  • Heather Gruppelaar

    can you create individual new events (with a unique ID) from an availability search of a group of dates using an event profile?

  • Craig Thompson

    Years ago, we disabled the Copy Event functionality.  We found it copied too much and would then require the user to edit the new copy.  For example, there were some UDFs we would want copied but other UDFs we did not want copied.  While some Sales Managers could be trusted with that manual edit process for the newly created event, others could not.

    We loved Profiles; however, when we disabled the Copy Event functionality, we lost the ability to use Profiles.  Apparently, it relies on the same Copy Event functionality to work properly.  That is unless someone knows of a work around.

  • Linda Moyer

    Craig Thompson I just checked in with the product team and Event Profiles do use the same functionality as Copy Event - you're essentially copying the profile. There is no workaround at this time.

  • Craig Thompson

    Thanks for double checking Linda.

  • Linda Moyer

    Heather Gruppelaar That functionality is not available at this time. You are welcome to submit an enhancement request in the ideas forum! Instructions below, in case you haven't done that before:

    1. Access the Support Center. (https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com)
    2. Go to the Community by clicking on the Collaborate!
    3. Click on the Product Ideas
    4. Click the Enter the Forum button for the forum where you would like to add the enhancement request.
    5. Click the Create a Post in this Topic
    6. Complete the form and click the Submit
  • Nickolas Pinchbeck

    If I Archive and Event Profile, can I recover it to use again if required?

    Thank you for your time and effort.

  • Linda Moyer

    Nickolas Pinchbeck I checked with the product team and if you archive/remove an event profile, there is no way to recover it. Think of it as deleting the profile! I've updated the article with this information.

  • Nickolas Pinchbeck

    Hello Linda,

    Thank you for the response. I appreciate your time and effort.

  • Bronwyn Trigg


    just reading over this as we use event profiles a lot and i am wanting to add activities and Event Portal Tasks to the profiles as they will be specific per type of event, is there a way of doing this at profile level rather than adding later ??? it would save my team a lot of time as activities and tasks are not user specific they are role specific.


  • Sam Wilson

    Hello Bronwyn,

    Event Profiles do not currently support these additional items. Please consider submitting an enhancement request describing the details of your use-case so that it can be evaluated by our product managers.

    To submit an enhancement request:

    1. Click The Community within the Support Center Quick-links at the top of this page.
    2. Click on the Product Ideas tab. (This appears grayed out on some monitors, but is active.)
    3. Click the Enter the Forum button for the General Product Ideas forum.
    4. Click the Create a Post in this Topic button.
    5. Complete the form and click the Submit button.



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