Spaces represent the rooms within your venue. After you add a space, you need to update your calendar view(s) to include the new space; it is not automatically added to the calendars. To add a new space:
- Click the Spaces link from the Main Menu. The Spaces screen opens.
- Click the Add button. The Add Space screen opens.
- Enter the following information:
- Space Description – Name of the space.
- Abbreviated Description – Shortened space description to display on calendar.
- Venue - Building where the space is located.
- Code – Unique alphanumeric code.
- Type – Type for the space.
Check Conflicts By – Method of conflict checking to take place when booking the space:
- By Area – Conflicts display if the space reaches the minimum conflict status in system parameter BK 002 and the total number of booked units across all bookings for the space, date, and time exceeds the value entered into the Net Area field for the space.
- By Date/Time – Conflicts display if the space reaches the minimum conflict status in system parameter BK 002 and the date and time of the new booking is in the same range as an existing booking.
- Do Not Check – If selected, no conflict checking takes place for the space. You receive no warnings if the space is already booked.
- Sensitivity – Sensitivity for the space. Used with the Online Venue Booking (VA) and Online Calendar of Events (COE) to determine the spaces to display.
- Capacity ID to Use – Capacity Setup to use with Online Venue Booking (VA) for capacity checking.
- Minimum Capacity - Minimum number of people allowed in the space.
- Maximum Capacity - Maximum number of people allowed in the space.
- Box Office Vendor ID - Box office configuration for the space. Used for integrations with ticketing/box office management software.
- Space Category - Category for the space. Used for reporting and utilization reports.
- Use as Anchor Venue – If checked, the space is available in the Anchor Venue drop-down for functions.
- Count Utilization – If checked, the space is included for space utilization analysis.
- Inventory – If checked, the space is used to generate physical count sheets and available for inventory and purchasing transactions.
- Note 1 and Note 2 – Additional notes.
- Area U/M - Defines the Unit of Measure applied to Gross Area (Typically Sq-Ft or Sq-Mt)
- Gross Area - Gross area for the space. Gross area typically includes any non-usable areas.
- Net Area - Net area for the space. Net area typically includes only usable areas of the space.
- Account – Account for the space. This is often used to group spaces together by location, venue or owner.
- Space Note - Notes about a space that are displayed in Online Space Booking.
- Time Zone - Time zone where the space is located. This field is only available if you are using the Events Across Time Zones feature and may need to be added to the layout.
- Base spaces and their components must have the same time zone.
- Select the Details tab.
- Enter the following information:
- Booking Defaults Section
- Lead Hours – Number of hours to automatically add to the booking start time.
- Strike Hours – Number of hours to automatically add to the booking end time.
- Default Booking Units – Number of Booked Units to default regardless of the actual Booked Units.
- Default Booking U/M – Unit of measure to default for the booking units.
- Calendar Display Section
- Visible – If checked, the space is available for display on the Booking Calendar. The space is also available for booking from booking drop-downs.
- Bookable – If checked, the space is available for booking from the Booking Calendar and from booking drop-downs. If unchecked, you cannot book the space from anywhere. This is often used with the Visible checkbox to create horizontal separation lines on the Booking Calendar.
- Order – Sequence value for the default display order on the Booking Calendar.
- Indent – Number of spaces to indent the space description on the Booking Calendar. This is often used to display component spaces indented under the composite space for a visual representation of how to divide the space.
- Text Color – Text color for the space description on the Booking Calendar.
- Level – Hierarchy level for the space. Use space hierarchy levels for the display of composite and component spaces.
- Bold – If checked, the space description displays in Bold font on the Booking Calendar.
- Underline – If checked, the space description is underlined on the Booking Calendar.
- Line Break – If checked, a horizontal break line displays above the space on the Booking Calendar.
- Itemize Bookings – If checked, the Booking Calendar displays bookings in the space as separate, individual lines instead of collapsing them into one group. If unchecked, bookings for the same space and calendar interval roll up into one display line.
- Quick View – If checked, the space is available in the Spaces drop-down on the Booking Calendar and Booking Agenda. Only applicable to composite spaces.
- Alternate Descriptions Section
- Alternate Description 1 – 5 – Alternate descriptions for other languages, if applicable.
- Booking Defaults Section
- Configure additional information on the available tabs:
- Features – Features available for the space. Common examples of space features are Bay Windows, Executive Conference Table, Projection Screen, etc.
- Setups – Setups available for the space and the capacity for the setups.
- Components – Component spaces that make up the composite space.
- Pricing – Available rates for the space.
- Documents – Add and/or view documents related to the space.
- Notes – Add and/or view notes related to the space.
- Space Images - Add an/or view images related to the space. Used with Online Space Bookings.
- Click the Add button. The Add Space Image screen opens.
- Enter the necessary information:
- Description - Name for the Image
- Main Image - Primary image that appears for the space. If multiple main images are selected, they display in an expandable carousel in Online Space Bookings. Click the Select Image link to select the image for the space.
- Setup - Setup shown in the image. If left blank, the image is the primary image for the space. If a setup is selected, it is the secondary image for the space.
- Thumbnail Image - Thumbnail images that appears in space listings and results pages. Click the Select Image link to select the thumbnail image for the space.
- Alt Text Main - Text that displays when a public-facing user hovers over the image on the web page.
- Alt Text Thumbnail - Text that displays when a public-facing user hovers over the image on the web page.
- Space Diagrams - Diagram of the space used as a reference for building lines and as a template for room setups.
- Click OK.
Copy a Space
If you are creating a new space that has similar information as an existing space, you can copy the space to more quickly create the new space.
- Click the Spaces link from the Main Menu. The Spaces screen opens.
- Select the space to copy.
- Right-click and select Tools -> Copy Space. The Copy Space screen opens.
- Enter the following information:
- New Space Code – Code for the new space.
- New Space Description – Description for the new space.
- New Space Type – Space type for the new space.
- There are various copy options available such as Copy Components and Copy Documents. Check the check boxes for the information to copy to the new space.
- Click OK. The Edit Space screen opens with the information entered and selected on the Copy Space screen. Add or edit any additional information as needed.
- Click OK.
Edit Multiple Spaces
You can edit the information for multiple spaces at one time. To edit multiple spaces:
- Click the Spaces link from the Main Menu. The Spaces screen opens.
- Select the spaces to edit. Use Ctrl+Click, Shift+Click or click and drag to select several spaces at one time. If you need to edit all the spaces in the list, you can click the left most column in the screen to highlight all the spaces in the list.
- Right-click and select Edit Multiple. The Edit Multiple Spaces screen opens.
- Check the check box next to the field(s) to edit.
- Select the new value(s) from the drop-down. Only checked fields are updated. If no value is selected in a drop-down and the check box is checked, the field is updated on all spaces to blank.
- Click OK.
Replace a Space Code, Space Description or Abbreviated Description
You can use the Replace Space Code process when you need to modify a space code, space description or abbreviated description. Replacing a space code, description and/or abbreviated description automatically updates the resource, any price lists with the resource and any existing orders with the new information. You may need to replace the space code, description or abbreviated description if:
- There is a typo when creating the space.
- A new naming convention is created.
- The space name changed.
To replace a space code, description or abbreviated description:
- Click the Spaces link from the Main Menu. The Spaces screen opens.
- Select the space for the space code update.
- Right-click and select Tools -> Replace Space Code. The Replace Space Code screen opens.
- Enter the new space code in the New Space Code field.
- Enter the new space description in the Space Description field.
- Enter the new abbreviated description in the Abbreviated Description field.
- Click OK.
Space Security
Adding, editing and changing spaces is controlled by the Add/Change/Delete Space Master Entries access privilege. Any roles/users assigned to the privilege can add, edit and delete any spaces while any users/roles not assigned to the privilege cannot add, edit or delete spaces. If no users/roles are assigned to the privilege, it is considered inactive and all roles/users can add, edit and delete spaces.
One tip to be aware of - if you have changed your view, you may not immediately see your space show up on your booking calendar. I overcame this by Selecting Advanced Search, then Select Spaces + had to add it to the "Selected" (right-hand side) section. Be sure to save your view for all users!
Booking Restrictions – Enter any booking restrictions for the space. Applicable only when using iEBMS Venue Availability. Booking restrictions do not apply for spaces booked directly within the system.
Can you please explain the business logic for why we cannot enforce restrictions on a space?
Our situation at present is that a space is being re-developed and therefore is out of commission for several years. Rather than creating a booking for this space (which will clutter the jobs/events list for quite some time, it would be great to block it out using this functionality.
Sean, the functionality you're speaking of is being considered for the future, though I don't have a timeline.
BUT-- If this functionality is being considered for back office, it needs to be separate from on-line. We have many booking restrictions for on-line availability that DO NOT apply to back office.
Carrie, can I add my support for Sean's request - We, too need to enforce a booking restriction and need this functionality.
Is there any other way to force a restriction on a space when a booking is being made? (in my example one of my spaces cannot run past 10:30pm on any night)
Would it help if I raised an enhancement request?
Andrew, I always encourage enhancement requests! The more requests that come through for the same functionality, the higher it goes on the list. Obviously it's not a guarantee, but every little bit helps.
Andrew the only way to do this at present afaik is to book the space (against an internal event) so it is taken out of availability.
Is there any way to add a space to the system that is viewable to all, but only bookable by a specific user/group? For example, if we have a space that is only bookable by the President's Office, can we set up the room to where only people who work in the President's Office are able to book the space? V19
Hi Keary,
You could use the Access Privilege Add/Change/Delete Bookings By Space Type Level 2 to restrict who can book what space types. This is independant of the ability to view the bookings calendar.
What is the difference between the default booking units and the gross square footage under the features tab within the space?
Hi Shelby,
The default booking units field is a USI defined option that allows you to set a default number of units when adding a booking and selecting a rate, based on the value entered along with the Default Booking U/M. If the U/M on the rate matches the U/M here, the units will default to that number on the booking line.
The gross square footage under the features tab is a user defined option with minimum and maximum settings that can be used in the Availability Search when looking for space in back office as well as the online booking tool (when configured).
Those values can match or not. There is no specific connection between the two.
Wendy Thompson
Senior Quality Engineer
I would like to use the column Booked Area on the Events window. Can anybody please advise how to configure this? I have populated the Area fields on the space via Spaces but it still doesn't appear to display any data.
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