
Assign User Defined Fields (UDFs) to Service Order Items



  • Kieron Marshall

    Is it likely to make this feature more easy to apply we will be given the ability to edit multiple resources and apply the same UDF? We would have a large groups of items that get the same UDF and doing them one by one would be very time consuming.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Kieron,

    The same thought crossed my mind as I was writing this article and I've passed it along to our Product Management Team.


  • Permanently deleted user

    Hello - Can you please confirm this feature is available in v20.8 (Px19) and not just in 20.82?

    If it is indeed available in v20.8 - any tips on why I can't find the Order Item User Fields Type field anywhere?!  (hopefully it's not just hiding in plain sight...)



    (PS. I'd also like to suggest that publication date and applicable release version be added to all KB articles, to help identify how old or current a feature may be...!)

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Zak,

    This is only available in v20.82. 

    We currently write all knowledge base articles for the most currently released version but will take your suggestion under consideration.


  • Permanently deleted user


    Thanks for the response.  That's unfortunate to hear this is just in 20.82... Aside from the major differences that caused 20.82 to be separated from 20.8 (changes in EBMS Spreadsheet, .Net, etc), I was under the impression (having called client care last week to double check before updating) that the two tracks were otherwise feature-wise on par.  

    Is there any plan to add this feature to 20.8?  

    Is there a way to get a clear sense of what features are only in one version of the other?


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Zak,

    This feature will only be in v20.82 and is not planned to be put into v20.8.  The What's New document provides an overview of the features available in v20.82 through to Service Release E.





  • Sean Tame

    Hi Maggie,

    I does seem odd that comments display the author and date but the articles do not.  Often I have wanted to know when an article was written (or updated) but this is not shown.  The information is included on any subscription e-mails but not on the KB itself.  Can we get this info added?


  • Permanently deleted user


    Thank you for the link to the 20.82 What's New, but still a couple challenges in keeping track of what's real and new:  

    - I don't see mention of the new UDF SOI feature in the 20.82 What's New (tried searching for all the references I could think of but nothing came up...), so that unfortunately so far hasn't help identify what's available;

    - to your point that KB articles are written "for the most currently released version": isn't 20.8P also considered a current version, with active updates?  If so, then even more reason to be able to identify which "current version" relates to a KB article, and (more so) a way to compare what features are exclusive to one current version or the other.

    I don't mean to belabor the point, but between this thread and the comments in the "Configuring Custom Fields" article that suggest SOI UDFs as an available feature but confuses version 20.8 and 20.82, I think having some better way to gain clarity on what's "current" will help us all.

    Thank you,




  • Maggie U.

    Hi Sean,

    We have removed this information because dates on articles often lead to assumptions that aren't necessarily accurate.  For example, an article that was written (or last updated) in 2013 may still be applicable but the assumption would be it's out of date since it was written so long ago.  



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Zak,

    The most currently released version is the most current version available to our clients, in this case v20.82E.  Since our documentation is fluid and doesn't get "cut off" with each version, the available documentation will be applicable to the latest version our clients have access to. 

    I will contact Product Management regarding the What's New entry for UDF's on the service order item so they can ensure it is added and the document is updated.


  • Permanently deleted user


    A few questions on how UDFs on SOIs function (don't have 20.82 running, but trying to decide if making the leap to get this functionality is worth the effort now):

    - are UDFs available in the Edit Multiple window?  (i.e. select multiple SOI in an Order; right click, edit:edit multiple; change UDF value for all selected items at once)

    - can relationships be made between UDFs and standard SOI field?  (e.g. have the value of a UDF influence the Unit Charge on an item)

    - what's happens to the values of a UDF with an order is copied and the price list is changed in the process?  (I assume/hope there's at least a toggle option to maintain or ignore UDFs).

    (and confirming there's still no hope of a 20.8 update that will include SOI UDFs, and upgrading to 20.82 is the only way to gain this feature?!).

    Thank you,


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Zak,

    The service order item UDFs were added to capture information through the Exhibition Service Center for Venues online application.  At this time, the service order item UDF functionality is limited.  For example, dependent UDFs, required field UDFs and different colors are not yet in place. 

    • The UDFs aren't available on the Edit Multiple screen at this time since each item could have it's own unique set of UDFs. 
    • There isn't a way to add a relationship between a UDF and a standard service order item field.
    • Since UDFs are attached to the item (resource) and not the price list, changing the price list doesn't have an impact on the UDFs.  When an order is copied, the UDF fields remain available on the item but the information in the fields are cleared on the new order.

    It is not in the roadmap to patch the service order item UDFs to 20.8.



  • Martin Wooding

    Hi Maggie,

    Can these fields be used in iEBMS SOP?  I haven't been able to work out how to display them.



  • Carrie Spalding


    Sorry, these aren't available in SOP - only ESCV for now.



  • Martin Wooding

    I have asked for this functionality for 10 years and when it is finally made available it is only in a module that is expensive and not necessary for everyone.  What does that roadmap for this functionality look like?  Are there plans to include it in other modules?


  • Ken Treadway

    Martin, yes there are plans to include it in another public facing feature that is as yet undeveloped.  This would be a public facing "ordering portal" that would far surpass what is available today in SOP.  The functionality to include service order item UDF's or custom fields would very naturally be something that would be a part of this new feature.  At this time, there is no scheduled availability, but this is the component that would be used by those customers not needing ESCV.

  • Hello,

    The description above mentions that the SOI UDFs can be added as columns on Service Order Item grids, but I'm not seeing the UDFs I've added to resources/SOIs listed as available column options in the Show Columns dialog box.  (the UDF tab in the SOI edit window appears as expected).

    Anyone have any tips on how to make Service Order Item UDFs appear in a SOI grid?



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Zak,

    I double-checked on my end and am seeing it on the Service Order Items screen. Are you going to the Service Order Items screen from the Main Menu? Do you see the name of your UDF set in the Group drop-down on the Show Columns screen? Which Ungerboeck version are you using?



  • Hi Maggie,

    I'm on v20.90J.

    I should have been more specific:  I was looking for the fields in the SOI grid at the Event and Service Order levels.  I hadn't looked elsewhere (since that's not where I wanted them!) but do now see SOI UDFs on the master SOI screen and in the SOI grid in an Event's Functions' SOI tab.  

    How can I get them at the Event and SO levels?

    (And a side note:  the Group drop-down on the Show Columns screen for the master SOI and Functions screens show the UDF sets twice - why is that?) 


  • Kieron Marshall

    Wow I have wanted SOItem UDFS on gridviews for Forever, but now I see as well they are on the SOI Master, but not on the Event level or on the Service order level on 20.93B .

    Maggie, is this perhaps a bug that they do not show on event SO items as well? seems rather inconsistent to have it on the master view, but not all the child views.

  • Sean Tame

    Can you share any more on the public facing ordering portal that is to supercede SOP?

    One year on and I'm very keen to see it.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Zak,

    I got the scoop from the Product Manager. They were only placed on the Service Order Items main screen because they were initially designed to be used in a public-facing online capacity and the information was more date dependent than event or service order dependent. The good news is the that the main screen can be filtered to the event or service order you need so the information is still there for you, just need to do some filtering to get to the set of data you need.

    The Product Manager is going to add this to his backlog but, full transparency, it won't be worked on in the upcoming months. Although it looks quick and straightforward, there are some technical challenges that make it more time consuming and that makes it difficult to fit into the existing development schedule. 

    I'll also update the article to clarify the UDFS are available on the main Service Order Items screen only.


  • Ken Treadway

    @Sean, I have discussed your post with our Product Team and thank you for your post. The feature set for the next iteration of what is known today as Service Order Processing (SOP) is an exciting opportunity for both our team members and our customers. A transformed version of online ordering is indeed on our roadmap. The next major milestone in the development cycle will be a broad discussion at the Global Conference later this year, which will be the springboard for the roadmap. At this time, release expectations, feature sets, and timeline are not defined. For customers unable to attend the Global Conference, we invite their participation and input to partner on this project. 

  • Sean Tame

    Thanks for the update Ken.  It seems though that the base structure of on-line ordering has been established for quite some time in Registration and Exhibitions.  Service Orders would have to be the most universal order type so I'm surprised this is not available already, if not very soon.

    I also note that the COE replacement is also available but only if you are licenced to a specific module and not for current iEBMS COE customers.  Are you able to conform this?


  • Ken Treadway


    As we have strayed a bit from the original topic on this thread, I have created a new post in Venue Product Ideas.  The link is below and I encourage you and anyone else interested in this thread to follow/subscribe to it.  I will engage our Product team to respond to your most recent inquiries.  Thanks again for using our Community forums.



  • Chanh Huynh

    Hi all

    I am trying to use UDFs on the Event Service Order Items grid and in the Edit Service Order - SO Items grid but am struggling with being able to show UDFs in the Actuals tab.

    I was able to show this in the ordered tab by creating custom formula fields which references the UDF fields and then added this to the grid. Works a treat.

    But when I try to do the same in the Actuals section, firstly I cannot show the UDF in the edit service order items window to make any changes, and secondly, cannot reference the same custom fields (like in ordered) or create new custom fields in the actuals grid.

    Has anyone had any success here?

  • Kris Corrigan


    I have created a UDF field for SO items, is this only available via the tab on the edit layout?

    I would like to have this within the show columns of the item on the service order screen in order to populate the entry.



  • Sharon Whitehall


    Thank you for your question.  These fields are available on the 'Edit Service Order Item' window, 'User Defined Fields' tab.  I can understand your position for a easier to way to view these fields.  The challenge with making these fields available else where is performance when adding too many fields to grids.  I would encourage you to enter this as an enhancement request with your business request and the Product Manager can review your request.

  • Kieron Marshall

    Service Order item Udf's appear fine on the Work Order Items grid, so I feel like it shouldn't be any more challenging to also add to the service Order items as well as its been done for work order items.

    Something I put as an enhancement for years ago which unfortunately hasn't had any movement as yet.

  • Kris Corrigan


    Which table are the UDF's stored for SO Items, I have checked CR073 table and cant find my entries?



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