
Assign User Defined Fields (UDFs) to Service Order Items



  • Sharon Whitehall

    These are stored in ER125_ORDER_ITEM_UDFS.


  • Shelby Dodge

    I may have gotten confused along the thread. 

    All I'm wanting is to create a checkbox UDF that will show up as a separate column under the Service Order Items Tab in the Event details screen. I need the checkbox to be accessible from that column - similar set up situation to the "complete" column in the work order items tab - where you can check the box from the list screen instead of going into edit each individual item.  

    I've created the UDF, but 1. It won't show up in my show columns for service order items within the event. and 2. If I put it in the general service order items it requires me to open into each individual item and edit it. 


  • Sharon Whitehall


    User Defined field are currently not editable from the Service Orders / Service Order Items grids.



  • Kieron Marshall

    As a hack you could look at on soitems is to repurpose say usernumber1 field if not used and put a 1 for true or a text based note1 and put y /n

  • Jerry

    Just picking up on Kieron Marshall's comment from 3 years ago which didn't get a response - totally agree and still in 30.96E, these fiels are available on Work Order Items grid but not Service Order Items grid!

  • Was happy to read in the current "What's New in 30.97" release notes that Order Item UDFs are now editable in the SOI Grid (page 50, item 478031), but I'm not seeing that behavior in practice:  What configuration is needed to enable this?

    (I see the qualifier that "all the rows displayed on the grid have the same Opportunity Type", but even with an order of just one item the UDF column is not editable...)


  • Sharon Whitehall

    Here are some additional rules:

    1. Editable only if all the rows on the grid have same UDF Type. You could also have empty UDF Type rows in the grid, but just one valid UDF Type.
    2. You can have different resources displayed but if they all have same UDF Type, the UDF column for that type should be editable.
    3. Make sure other basic rules for editing the column is not overridden by this logic. (Meaning, make sure the column editing of grid works correctly as on the Edit Item page)
    4. Note this grid displays both Order Item UDF sets and Order UDF sets. Only Order Item UDF sets are made editable.
    5. Only columns belonging to the correct UDF set should be editable

  • Thanks, Sharon... none of the above appear to be in the way:  I'll put in a support ticket.


  • Michelle Herson

    It looks like it has been 3 years...  Are there any updates on how to display service order item UDFs?  From what I can tell I can only see the service order UDFs by opening the service order item.  Is there a way to see them on the order?

  • Jodi Webb

    Hi Michelle, 

    Service Order item UDFs should be able to be viewed on the Service Orders as well as the Work Orders/items. This is currently being worked on by developers as it is not working as expected, however I can't give you a time line on this. 

    You may want to speak to your primary Momentus contact about getting this resolved on your application. 

    Warm regards, 


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