
Customize the Global Navigation Bar



  • Sherri Hines

    Is this option controlled by an access or system privilege or can anyone make these changes?


  • Carrie Spalding


    Great question, thanks!  I've added the information to the article, but to make it easier for now...

    In order to have access to customize the Global Navigation Bar, the following must be noted:

    1. The user must be assigned to a custom theme.
    2. The user must have the System Access Privilege assigned that allows them to customize a theme.
    3. The action can be hidden through access management and/or action restrictions.

    Thanks again,


  • Sean Tame

    Just to be 100% clear - the customisation is for the Theme?  If so, why is it accessed via the User Dropdown and not via the main menu?  I think this is a little misleading.

  • Carrie Spalding

    Sean, at the moment that is the current functionality but I have passed on the feedback to Product Management.

    Thank you,


  • Jason Allen

    Carrie, please on to Product Management to also include the help (question mark) item, currently containing About (Ungerboeck), within Global Navigation Customisation. Within this menu, I would like to add Custom Links that direct users to the Ungerboeck Support Portal and also to several launch pages on our Intranet providing Ungerboeck process maps and usage guidelines.

  • Chuck Catotti

    So if I make changes to the Global Nav this way--do they apply to ALL USERS in that Theme?

  • John Padgett

    The Global Navigation layout is linked to the theme - not the user. Therefore, making changes to it will apply to all users who share the same theme.

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Chuck,

    Yes but...  It all depends what you are changing on the GN and whether the user has access to these elements.

    I create custom groupings on the GN and assign them access to only specific Roles.  Eg, I create a AR grouping and assign it only to the Receivables Role.  In this I put things like Receivable Accounts, Historical Aging Report, AR Journals etc.  Repeat similar for other user groups.  When these are added to the GN, they are only seen by the relevant users and not everyone who has that Theme as the custom group has access restrictions on it.

    I hope that helps.

  • Joey Lynn Pinaglia

    I am updating our GNB, all the items I have added are on there and can be seen by staff except for the Audit Log.  I am the only one who can see that and I do not see any specific AP that could be blocking them.  

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Joey,

    This is probably related to access management. The Audit Log action is connected to the System Administration feature which you probably don't have assigned to your user roles.

    You can give them access by setting up a Grant to the Audit Log action for the role(s) assigned to your user.

    Here's some more info that explains Access Management, Features and granting/denying actions. https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/articles/204557568-Access-Management-Overview

    However, if you have any additional questions while working through it, let us know!


  • Joey Lynn Pinaglia

    Thank you Maggie, that worked.  

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