
Exhibitor Categories



  • Kieron Marshall

    Is there a way to setup the Exhibitor Default category for when Exhibitors are setup in the Ungerboeck Back end? this article mentions through the Exhibitor Portal, but not Back end.

    Our exhibitors are created there, and because we cannot filter on where Exhibitor Category is blank it means we need to assign a default one to all exhibitors to make it meaningful to us, and it is not an option to be going to each exhibitor on each event and editing multiple to add the "default" one on..

    Is there anything in the system I am missing?

  • Eric Lowe

    Hi Kieron,

    We currently do not have any feature to default in an exhibitor category for newly created exhibitors in v20.  Right now you will have to manually assign them.  I will add this to the backlog for a future release.



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