
Customer Opportunity Web Forms



  • Ayal Mesher


    In "More Settings" you have the option to send an email confirmation. If the template is left blank the client receives a confirmation with their answers. We would like to receive that email internally, and send the client a canned response. Is that possible? If not, how can we add the clients responses to the end of our email template?



  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hello Ayal,

    Unfortunately, neither are possible within COWF currently. Please enter an enhancement request for the workflow mentioned above.

    Thank you and have a great day!

    Kaitlyn Skubic

    Ungerboeck Quality Analyst

  • Ayal Mesher

    Is there any way to stop the Web Form from creating an activity with each new entry? The information it provides isn't useful and the default account rep receives an overwhelming number of activities.





  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hello Ayal,

    Currently, there is no way to turn off the automatically generated activities from the Customer Opportunity Web Form submissions. However, there is an enhancement request in for the ability to turn this off. We greatly appreciate your query and I will be sure to relay it to Product Management. 

    Thank you and have a great day!

    Kaitlyn Skubic 

    Ungerboeck Quality Analyst

  • Sherri Hines

    Where does the information from the form end up in the system?

    Can you set the web form up to not have a password and still input information into the system?

    Can there be a notification set up so that a system user knows that something has come in?



  • Ayal Mesher

    Hi Sherri,

    The web form will create an opportunity, account, and contact. You have complete control over which fields you offer to the client to fill in. 

    You do not need a password and it does send a notification to whoever the default user is


  • Kris Corrigan


    Any update on existing accounts to logon and add an opportunity / update their details?

    Also if choosing anything other than 'Event Sales' in the account designation how can we choose the opportunity type we would like to select, i.e. the same one as 'Event Sales'?



  • Sean Tame
  • Kris Corrigan

    Cheers Sean

    Still no further from these posts, Manish said in the world conference that this was an enhancement they would work on before the end of last year but still nothing unless I have missed an announcement of some kind.


  • Kris Corrigan


    Is web opportunity on 20.92 I cant find this.



  • Sean Tame

    Are you searching for "Customer Opportunity Web Form"?  It is there.

  • Kris Corrigan

    found it now, thanks all.

    I had a conflicting role.


  • Kris Corrigan

    Nice to see this post in the newsletter, it would be even better to see this enhanced as promised by Manish.

  • afaggion@lunaparksydney.com

    We're looking at setting up COWF - does anyone know if it's mobile responsive?

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Anna,

    Yes, all public facing v20 applications are responsive.

  • Jo Parton

    We have a customer opportunity web form linked to an opportunity where an alphanumeric field is set to the maximum 255 characters. 

    Adding an opportunity in the back office restricts anything over 255 characters being added to this field - however the public facing form allows for more than 255 characters to be inputted into this field by the user.

    How do we implement a cut-off on the public facing form to match the field restriction?

    Thanks in advance



  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Jo,

    The restriction should be enforced on the public facing site. Please submit a ticket so development can further review.

    Kaitlyn Batliner
    Ungerboeck Consultant

  • Brooke Adamson

    How can I change the 'from' email address for the web opportunity form reply?

  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Brooke,

    In your v20 web configuration, you can change the 'From Email Address', but this will change the From Email Address for all applications. On the Web Configuration, this is under the Application Settings tab of the Web Configuration.


    Kaitlyn Batliner

    Ungerboeck Consultant

  • Hello.

    Can someone clarify how "Custom Field Designation" works? (under the "Contact Form Setup" section of COWF Config)

    Where/how does one configure said designations and their corresponding UDFs?



  • Jemma Slater


    I'm configuring an online web opportunity form to act as a 'booking EOI form' in lieu of hard copy paperwork. I'd like to put some text above the 'continue' button at the bottom of the screen that acts as an acknowledgement section for the customer to agree that they have read the terms and conditions of hire before selecting continue. Can anybody provide a suggestion of where I am best to configure this text; Opportunity type, Web Skin or Customer Opportunity Web Form?





  • Sean Tame

    Hi Jemma,

    Do have a version that includes Preferences?  Currently there is very little scope for additional text in the COWF.

  • Jemma Slater

    Sean, yes we do..

    I did have a brief look through the article regarding preferences and thought that I may be able to use that section. My only issue is the fact that it would have a header that says 'preferences' which isn't ideal.


    I've found that I can add a section to the bottom of the webskin but then the text actually appears below the action button at the bottom of the screen.  



  • Sean Tame

    You could change the term 'Preferences' to be 'Conditions' or some other word?

  • Lea Tenore

    Hello Zak-

    The Custom Field Designation in the Contact Form  Setup section is referring to what area of the software you would like to have the contacts active (Event Sales, Registration, Membership...)  The selections in the dropdown field are driven from the Account Designation(s) field above.  If you are not seeing a selection in the Custom Field Designation list, ensure it is selected in the Account Designation(s) field. 

    If you have UDF information you wish to collect on the contacts these will need to be configured in the Opportunity Types for the corresponding module (Event Sales, Registration, Membership...) From the Main Menu search Opportunity Types and select the hyperlink for the module.  Configure the UDF(s).

    Next you will need to access the corresponding configuration screen (Event Sales, Registration, Membership...).  From the Main Menu search for Config and select the hyperlink for the configuration screen.  In the configuration screen locate the Individual Account field and use the dropdown arrow to select the Opportunity Type and click OK.

    On the Customer Opportunity Web Form screen, in the Form Fields section, click the Manage Form Fields button.   You will now have the UDF(s) available to search and move to the selected side. 




  • Thanks, Lea.... I see where I'm stuck:  i don't see config screens for Personnel Management or Supplier, to pull the UDFs from their corresponding Opportunity Types.  

    Where are those config screens hiding, or do they go by a different name?




  • Looks like the option 'Automatically add an Opportunity with each submission' has been removed from 20.93? Could someone confirm this was a really useful feature. 

  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Ashley

    I have tried in .93 E and also can't see this, I agree this was really useful and hope to god this is an error.

    I am thinking this is within E as am sure this was in B which we upgraded from.



  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Ashley,

    With the 20.93 release, Opportunity Types now has its own section. You may need to Edit Layout of the Edit Customer Opportunity Web Form Configuration window and go to Manage Sections to add the Opportunity Types section onto the layout. This enhancement was made because we can now customize which custom fields from that opportunity type display on the web form.

    Once you have the Opportunity Types section added, you can click Add to add the appropriate Opportunity Types you would like the online users to choose from. You can also right click on the Opportunity Type and click Customize to choose which custom fields you would like to display online.

    Kaitlyn Batliner

    Ungerboeck Consultant

  • Thanks for confirming Kris. I've also upgraded to E today but couldn't see the option. I'm not so sure that it was in B, but you could be right! 

    I have raised a ticket with USI so hopefully they'll come back with something!

    Thanks Ash

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