
Customer Opportunity Web Forms



  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Ashley and Kris,

    Please see the post above.

    Thank you,

    Kaitlyn Batliner

    Ungerboeck Consultant

  • Hi Kaitlyn, 


    I don't believe that quite what I'm after. I am looking for the option, SPECIFICALLY 'Automatically add an Opportunity with each submission' 


    Please could you confirm where this is...? 


    Kind Regards


  • Kris Corrigan

    Thanks Kaitlyn

    Ashley - This has now been moved to the Opportunity Type window where you choose the opportunity type from this window along with the fields you require, I have just tested this and it will still add an opportunity as expected, drop me an email kris.corrigan@accliverpool.com and I can call you and run through if you need.



  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Kris is correct. The 'Automatically add an Opportunity with each submission' is removed with 20.93 and is no longer necessary. If one or more opportunity types are selected on the Opportunity Types section, the form will automatically add an opportunity (type) with the submission. If no opportunity type is listed, no opportunity (type) is created.


    Kaitlyn Batliner

    Ungerboeck Consultant

  • Hi Kris/Kaitlyn,

    Firstly thanks for the response! 

    I've tested this functionality in 20.93E (2018100801), but this doesn't appear to be working correctly for me? 

    The opportunity gets updated, where I would expect a new opportunity to be created, when the web form is submitted with account details that match an existing account.

    Hope this makes sense? 

    Kind Regards

    Ash McKiernan 

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Ashley,

    This appears to be a bug so I have entered a case for our Development team to review.  Once this is resolved I will let you know which version the fix went into.



    Ungerboeck Quality Assurance

  • Lea Tenore

    Hello Zak--

    For Personnel Management and Supplier UDF's you will need to set those up in the Organization Master.  In the Organization Master screen click the Parameters button. 

    Personnel  Accounts--  Search for parameter AA AI40

    Personnel Contact - Search for parameter AA CI40

    Active Supplier Accounts - Search for parameter AA AI70

    Active Suppler Contacts - Search for parameter AA CI70

    *** Enter the Code of the Opportunity Type in the Alphanumeric Value field of the Organization Parameters Screen. 

    The UDFs should now be visible on the COWF configuration screen.









  • Zakaria Al-Alami (Jazz at Lincoln Center)

    Thanks, Lea.  Editing the Org Master parameters worked (Personnel UDFs are now available in the Manage Form Fields section), but I have one (hopefully last) hurdle:  setting the Custom Field Designation in the Contact Form Setup section of the COWF config is throwing a generic "An error has occurred..." when I try to submit a completed form from the corresponding web page.  Using any other Custom Field Designation (e.g. Event Sales, Supplier) isn't throwing the error.

    Any ideas, or should I now submit a ticket?

    Thanks again,





  • Maggie U.

    Hi Zak,

    Please submit a ticket so our Team can take a closer look.



  • For anyone keeping score - the error I was getting when the Custom Field Design is set to Personnel is connected to a system parameter:  Application: ACT, Code: 102 has to be active and set to "Y".


  • Kris Corrigan


    When sending an email confirmation if I choose the EZ Data Source how can I amend the heading of the email?, if I choose to add an email template and choose the data source within the advanced search templates upon receiving the email I have the tag as opposed to the body of the data source, how can I sort this?



  • Sean Tame

    Hi Kris,

    I have been very confused as to why Email templates and Merge templates have been mashed into the one master list.  They are two distinct things (as evidenced by the fact you cannot select fields from both the SUBJECT and a custom data SOURCE within the one e-mail template as you can with Word Merges)

    I find it frustrating we cannot 'hide' Merge Templates from selection in e-mails when they are not designed at all for emails.  (they should be available for selection as merge tags with the body, but not as an overall e-mail template.  If you want it to be an e-mail template, create one and include the tag within the body.

    I have no idea why e-mail templates are forced to have EZWriter Tags. 
    And indeed, if we can select an EzWriter template in the compose e-mail window, then why don't they support subject lines?

  • Linda Hilko
    Kaitlyn Batliner In your v20 web configuration, you can change the 'From Email Address', but this will change the From Email Address for all applications. On the Web Configuration, this is under the Application Settings tab of the Web Configuration.

    However, I cannot seem to find the location to make this change under Web Configuration/Application Settings. Where exactly is this? A search on the Menu does not find it. Also, what OTHER areas will this affect? A search through the knowledge base does not indicate where this From: email address is also used.

  • Brooke Adamson

    Hi Linda,

    This is actually on your web configuration exe file that is on your web server. Here is a screenshot of mine. You'd need access to your web server and be able to run as administrator to have access. IT has had to help me with this before they gave me access. 

    Hope this helps!



  • Linda Hilko

    Thanks Brooke! We are hosted so I'll submit a case to have this taken care of once someone can tell me the other applications that will be affected by this change.


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Linda,

    It is used for any public-facing application that doesn't have a From email address defined for the confirmation such as registration, customer opportunity forms or public-facing iEBMS applications.



  • Linda Hilko

    Thanks Maggie. As soon as I have the email alias set up I'll submit a request to have this updated on our system.

  • Michelle Herson



    Two years ago there were some questions about the emails/activities that are generated when a COWF is submitted.  I was wondering if there is anyway to customize what is in the activity that is generated. Ours are being created with the majority of the fields not being completed.  I can't seem to get the COWF fields on the Activity Notification Template.  If this is not possible, can we send a copy of the confirmation email to ourselves and turn the automatic activity creation off?



  • Erin Luber

    Hi Michelle,

    Thank you for your questions.

    On the COWF configuration, there is an Activity Type drop-down.  If this is filled out, an activity is added for the Default Account Rep when a submission is made. The email is the same for all activity types so this may not work well for you. 

    We currently don't have plans on our road map to improve this process. We will however, continue to monitor this topic to see if others have input.

    Thank you,


  • Michelle Herson

    Hi Erin,

    We do not have anything selected for our Activity Type drop-down, but an activity is still created every time a COWF is completed.  Is this a bug I should report?

  • Erin Luber

    Hi Michelle,

    Please submit a case. Thanks!

  • Theresa Gorman

    Can you set the class of the account on COWF config,  It is logical you should have the option to set the new accounts or contacts as Leads which is what I would prefer.  Thanks

  • Erin Luber

    Hi Theresa,

    Unfortunately this isn't a respected behavior at this time. We are in the process of developing a solution for this in .97. 

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

    Thank you,


  • Kris Corrigan

    Have these gone in the latest cloud version or have they been renamed?




  • Maggie U.

    Hi Kris,

    Customer Opportunity Web Forms remain available. There was a problem in the Early Adopter .97 release that was resolved with the 2021041901 hotfix. You may need to apply that and retest if that is the version you are working in.



  • Brooke Adamson

    I can't find information on what appears to me as a new required field of COWF User. Can you explain the purpose of this field?



  • Himanshu

    Hi Brooke,

    This field will help you to assign a default user on COWF entries coming from the form. When you are filtering records in backoffice, you can use this filter for tracking and reporting purposes.



  • Michelle Herson


    Where can we edit the email confirmation if an email template is not selected?

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Michelle,

    This is a preset email confirmation that is sent by Ungerboeck so it is not editable. If you want to override the system's email you can use your own email template.



  • Michelle Herson

    Thanks Ryan.  Is it possible to change the text size of the actual COWF?  Some folks are complaining that it is too small.


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