
Create Activities for a Note



  • Pamela Smith

    Hi Team,

    Is it possible to attach a particular activity type to this?

    For example, when an event is created I am able to setup an automatic activity that says 'X venue is booked for Event Name with a status of Y'. This has been defaulted to 'Completed'.

    However what I want to do, is have the system create an automatic activity when a new event is created with the following:
    - Status: New
    - Text: Follow-Up Enquiry
    - Due Date: 7 Days from the event creation date.

    Is this possible?


  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Pam,

    It looks like you are wanting to be able to customize the activity text for when an event is created which is not possible at this time. I would encourage you to re-post this in the CRM Product Ideas forum (see link below) so others can upvote if they would like to see this feature implemented in the future. Our Product Management team reviews all enhancement requests and pulls in the ones with the most community upvotes to be worked on by Development. 




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