
Using the GL Transaction Inquiry Screen



  • Derek Kums

    Hi, is it possible to limit the results to transactions which are not event based in the GL Transaction Inquiry using v20? In v19 there is a default class in the Options *None which displays all non event based transactions in the GL.

    If not can this be added back please.


  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting

    That functionality does not exist in v20. Please add your comments to the Financial Product Ideas in the Community section.

  • Kate Tayler

    Is the wild card function still available in v20? In V19 you could search for accounts using the following "Starts with: ***0108*0".

  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting

    Yes it is still available


  • Kris Corrigan

    In v30 what is the wildcard to use in the description for search for anything after the name i.e. ungerboeck%apr would previously work and give us a result of Ungerboeck (Apr 2021)



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Kris,

    Refer to this thread for any updates on this question: https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4413524135831-WildCards-V30-GL-Transaction-inquiry-


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