Usually a contact’s preference settings are coming in from an online application, but you can view, update, remove or add a contact's preference settings from within Momentus Enterprise's back office. To add, edit or delete a contact's Preference Settings, you must have the the proper access privileges. See Access Privileges for Managing Preference Settings for more information.
To view a contact's preference settings, make sure that the Preference Settings tab is available on the screen layout for the Contacts screen you are using.
To view a contact’s preference settings:
- Click the Contacts link from the Main Menu. The Contacts screen opens.
- Select the contact whose information you want to view.
- Select the Preference Settings tab. The preferences selected for the contact display in the tab.
To update a contact’s preference settings:
- Select the preference setting you want to edit from the Preference Settings tab for the contact.
- Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Contact Preference screen opens.
- Make the necessary update.
- Click OK.
To add a new preference setting for a contact:
- Click the Add button from the Preference Settings tab for the contact. The Add Contact Preference screen opens.
- Select the preference type to add from the Preference Type drop-down.
- Check the Consent Given check box if the contact allows permission for the preference type. Keep the check box unchecked if consent is not given.
- Click OK.
To delete a contact’s preference setting:
- Select the preference setting you want to delete from the Preference Settings tab for the contact.
- Right-click and select Mark for Delete.
- Click the Save button.
Is there a way of pulling a report on consent type and when each contact chose this? Rather than going into each exhibitor manually, we want to find a way to pull a monthly report to see who has added a consent i that time.
Many thanks
Hi Vicki,
At this time there is not a way to run a monthly report on consent types for exhibitors. However, there are consent given, consent denied and consent not answered fields you can bring over to your exhibitors layout for quick search/advanced search to pull information in this way. This includes additional contacts 1-5, booth contact, main contact and press contact.
I hope this helps.
Hi Ryan,
Thanks for your response. I can only see how to pull these fields to Account level, not exhibitor level.
Is there any way of seeing what date a client chose a consent? This is the important bit as if they expressed an interest in hearing about other events, we may only be able to keep there data for a certain amount of time for this.
Many thanks
Hi Vicki,
It sounds like you want a list of all exhibitors that have answered this preference question and the date they answered. That preference question is stored in a grid of data off of the account. There is no way to show that data in a grid containing all exhibitors or all contacts. Basically, you're asking for a grid of data (the preference types grid) inside a different grid of data (the exhibitor grid) and really that is multiple grids since the exhibitor has multiple contacts that all answer preference types separately. Having said all that, I will talk to the other PM's and see if we can come up with a way to view all answered preference type questions in the same grid along with the contact and company info.
For the immediate future, I see two different options for you:
1. You could leave the questions the way they are and create a custom report that would put that data together for you in the format you want. This would take time/ money to develop but would give you exactly what you're asking for.
2. You can convert those preference types into exhibitor UDF's and ask them the question inside a task of EXP. That info would be available in the exhibitor grid but it wouldn't have corresponding date info....
Thank you,
Alex Weidenbenner
Hi Vicki,
The consent type filters also exist on exhibitors, they were added in 30.95. Search for "Consent Given" and you will see one for each of the contacts on the exhibitor. There are also filters for Consent Denied and Consent Not Answered, for each contact.
I hope that helps,
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