There is a lot of flexibility available within your Session Proposal Configuration. See below for the recommended order for configuring Session Proposals and for an overview of each step within the process.
- Account Management Configurations - Determines the account and contact fields that display on the public sign-up and edit account pages. This is also where you configure Preference Types. You can set a different Account Management Configuration for each account type within the proposal submission process - submitter, evaluator, manager, and contributor.
- Session Proposal Topics (Optional) - Use topics to generate reports, assign proposal evaluators, and/or create content tracks for an event.
- Presentation Types (Optional) - Use presentation types to classify and manage the delivery method preferred by an author or speaker (roundtable, poster session, etc.).
- Terms and Conditions Configuration (Optional) - You can configure Terms and Conditions for submitters to accept before they can submit their proposal. The Terms and Conditions can vary based on the the submission form being used.
- Opportunity Types (aka, User Defined Fields or UDFs) (Optional) - Create custom fields to gather information related to proposals, authors, evaluators and managers and/or other affiliated people. If using UDFs on the submission form, create the UDFs in the Opportunity Types - Abstracts screen. For account UDFs, create them in the Opportunity Types - Event Sales screen.
- Session Roles - The software automatically provides Author and Co-Author roles. You can create additional roles for other people who are affiliated with a proposal submission (such as submitter) or its presentation at an event (such as speaker or moderator).
- Public Sign In Configuration – Configure the sign-up and/or sign-in settings for the submitter, evaluator and manager in the public-facing applications.
- Session Proposal Criteria (Optional) - Configure evaluation criteria to assess proposals and provide an overall proposal score that is useful in assessing the suitability of the proposal for an event.
- Session Proposal Defaults – Configure the required defaults (language, sign in configurations, etc.) before using Session Proposals for the first time.
- Create the Event - You must have an event for each conference or event that accepts proposals submissions.
- Submission Configuration - Configure the proposal submission information that applies to all submissions, such as statuses, email notifications and evaluation criteria.
- Submission Form(s) - Configure Submission Forms within the Submission Setup. The Submission Form contains all information specific to a proposal submission link such as sign in configuration, web skin, etc.
- Assign Event Managers - Assign the managers to the event and configure which proposals they manage.
- Configure Evaluators and Event Managers - Configure the settings for the evaluators and managers such as sign in configuration, which proposals they can see, which proposals they can evaluate, etc.
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