
Electronic Signature Envelopes



  • Shelby Dodge

    We're having an issue where the envelope has been sent and the documents have all been signed via DocuSign but, the status has remained as sent.  I there a configuration that we might have out of whack?

    We also can't view the completed document from the system because of this and have to login to Docusign to pull the signed contract. 

    We're currently on V20.94E.

  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting

    Hi Shelby,

    Is your database publicly accessible? If not, you will need to make adjustments to your web configuration in order for DocuSign to communicate back to your database.

    Kaitlyn Batliner
    Ungerboeck Consultant

  • What is the process if a contract needs to be amended after it has been sent?

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Eddie,

    As an administrator of DocuSign you can go to your sent envelopes within DocuSign and select correct from sign/resend dropdown. Here is a user guide from DocuSign on how to correct the details of in process envelopes: https://support.docusign.com/en/guides/ndse-user-guide-correct-documents. 

    The other option is to void the envelope altogether and send a new one after you have made the changes.

    Please let us know if you have any further questions.



  • Jaime Kenney

    What is the process if the contract has been sent and the client needs us to resend as he can't find in his inbox? With the DocuSign integration we are not able to resend from DocuSign as we would be able to do if we started the documents in DocuSign. The contract status is Contract Sent (20) so we are past the status of Created (which I assume is status 10) and are getting the error that we can not resend at this status.

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Jaime,

    The DocuSign integration is designed that you are not able to resend an envelope from Ungerboeck. However, you should be able to go to your envelope in DocuSign under Manage > Envelopes and select resend from the envelope dropdown as shown below.

    I hope this helps.



  • Shelby Dodge

    One thing to note if you do this. Depending on the type of correction it will not always filter back into Ungerboeck with the updated document. 

    For instance, we've had a terrible time with contracts that need changes to verbiage where we have to go in and replace the original document to make the necessary corrections. The new document will go through the entire signature process and will show as complete in Ungerboeck but we get an error when trying to "View Document" as the document did not originate from Ungerboeck. 

    In those instances, we have to export the completed document from DocuSign and import it into the Ungerboeck documents tabs within the event and the contract.

  • Jaime Kenney

    Thank you Ryan and Shelby for your input. 

    Ryan - I don't have those options on my DocuSign for envelopes that originated in Ungerboeck. Is their a setting that I need to edit to get these?

    Shelby - I will make this note so my team is aware of this.

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Jaime,

    My apologies as there is actually an option on the Electronic Signature Envelopes window in Ungerboeck to re-send.  All you need to do is select the envelope and Re-Send Envelope for Electronic Signature either by doing a right click or going to the reading pane of the envelope.



  • Jaime Kenney

    Hi Ryan, 

    The error I am getting when trying to send through Ungerboeck is below. Our process is for our coordinator to sign the cover letter then send off to client so the status is Sent vs Created. My hope would be that the option would exist in DocuSign or that Resend could happen from the Sent status.

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Jaime,

    I am having our Product Management team review our resend envelope process further.  As soon as I have an update I will be sure to let you know. 



  • Jaime Kenney

    Hi Ryan - Any update on this? Should I open a ticket so we can track progress there?

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Jaime,

    I have entered a case for Product Management to review our current Electronic Signature Envelope process further but I do not have a timeframe for when this will get looked at.  As soon as I have an update I will be sure to let you know.



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