
Hide Event Information in Online Registration



  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    Would it also be possible to just show the event date and hide the event time?

  • Kim Boettcher

    Hi Elisabeth,

    Unfortunately, at this time both the display for the event date and event time are controlled by the same checkbox, so it's not possible to display just one or the other within the Event Details section. However, there may be options using custom code in the web skin. Please contact your CSM for more information.



  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    Hi Kim,

    is there a possibility to have this event date shown in a different date format?
    Some of our German users use the automatic translation by the browser and then the date is often translated wrong:
    Original in English:

    German translation:

    Could this also be solved through a code in the Webskin?

    Thanks, Elisabeth 

  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Elisabeth,

    The date format is controlled by the Region setting on the language set up on the Languages tab of Registration Setup. If you have a German language set up that uses German region, the date will display in the correct format.

    Hope this helps!



  • Joel Rogol

    Hi Mike,

    Is it possible to hide the event description and date on the Edit Web Order screen?


  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Joel,

    Are you referring to the View Registration Orders screen when you log into reg and click the link in the upper right to see your existing registration orders? There is no way to hide the event details from this page, but when you click into edit an order from this page, the edit order process should respect what is set up on the event and not show the description and dates the same way it would as if you were placing a new order. 



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