
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



  • Pia

    Hello! is there a way to upload FAQ's in PDF format into ESC? For example:



  • Tyler Lewis

    Hello Pia,

    There isn't a current way to do this within ESC, however there are two different work arounds that I would suggest. The first would be to have a typed out HTML block that would represent what you have here. The other option would be publishing the PDF FAQs and linking it to the navigation. Both can be done by creating through navigation of the ESC configuration. Uploading a PDF version would be an enhancement request. Please reach out if you have any other questions!


    Tyler Lewis
    Business Analyst - Venue Operations

  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Can you use different FAQs for ESC configurations?

  • Pia

    Hi Tyler,

    Thanks for the reply. I was able to upload our FAQ on pdf by importing in Ungerboeck, added a document download component on to our ESC configurations then selecting the FAQ's that I needed to upload.



  • Pia

    Hi Gavin,

    If you already have your FAQ's ready for upload you can follow the steps that I did.

    Hope this helps.



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