
Exhibitor Service Center Configuration



  • Kris Corrigan


    Which date operates for the form to drop completely?

    We have a deadline set for Orders 5 days before which displays this online however you can still choose items after the date?



  • Tyler Lewis

    Hey Kris,

    Sorry for the late responds, I believe Jake and I was able to answer this during a call. Please let me know if this is still an issue.

    Tyler Lewis - Business Analyst
    Venue Operations

  • Kris Corrigan

    Yes we did, thanks Tyler

  • Karina Bay
    Is it possible to remove this "business card-image" from the contact your salesperson-site?

  • Tyler Lewis

    Hey Karina,

    There is no Configuration around this functionality. Therefore, I would recommend to reach out to your CSM to see if there is a way to suppress this via CSS or using solutions team.

    Tyler Lewis - Business Analyst
    Venue Operations

  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Although I have configured ESC email confirmations to include a report in the field Crystal Report - Attach to Email, email confirmations do not contain an attachment. Are there requirements for this feature to work?

  • Sam Wilson

    Hi Gavin, 

    If the report is configured correctly there should be no additional requirements for the feature to function. I recommend checking the web log and report audit logs. If your report is missing a parameter, there will be an error in the web log (if on the current version of the software there will also be an error in the report audit log). If the report failed for any other reason, you should find an entry in the report audit log.

    If you are unable to locate an error message or need further assistance, please enter a ticket for our Support Services team. 



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