Please read all the included instructions prior to beginning the patching process.
Patching involves three processes: (1) Applying new files to the v19 installation, (2) Running the Refresh Metadata utility using USIDATA.exe and (3) Applying new files to v20 and/or iEBMS, depending on your organization’s needs.
Required Downloads
All required files are available on the Momentus Technologies FTP Site. If you are unable to access the FTP site or need to request login credentials, contact your regional Client Care Team.
Download the below files to a shared network location that is accessible from your application server and web server(s).
Application |
File Location |
File Name(s)* |
Upgrade Files |
Versions/19.9Y_20.9Y/Latest/Upgrade | |
Back Office |
Versions/19.9Y_20.9Y/Latest/Backoffice | |
v20 Back Office |
Versions/19.9Y_20.9Y/Latest/Browser | |
Versions/19.9Y_20.9Y/Latest/iEBMS | |
*In the above table,, Y is the version number, X is the Service Release level and YYYYMMDD## is the year, month, date and hotfix number.
You much patch v19 first as the Refresh Metadata Utility is packaged exclusively with v19.
Announcements about the latest Service Release are posted in the Product Updates section of the Knowledge Base.
Update v19 Back Office
The v19 Back Office installation provides the executable files required to run Enterprise. Service Releases and Hotfixes are applied directly to the Back Office files.
Back Office can be installed locally on each client workstation, can be shared on a file server, or can be installed on a Citrix or Terminal Server. The most common configuration is to install Back Office on a file server where the program files can be shared for all client workstations.
You must delete replication publications before attempting to upgrade. Rebuild replication after successfully running USIDATA.
- Extract the file into the …\NewGen\ folder of the Back Office installation.
- When asked to overwrite existing files, check the Do this for next [however many] conflicts check box. Then select Copy and Replace.
- Click OK through any other conflicts. The Back Office patch application is complete once the copy process finishes.
- Repeat this process using the The hotfix application is complete once the copy process finishes.
Refresh the Database Metadata
Once the files have been applied to the NewGen folder, the database metadata needs to be refreshed.
- Locate the USIDATA.exe file in the folder where the files were applied in the previous section.
- Right-click on USIDATA.exe.
- Select Send to and then select Desktop. A shortcut is created on the desktop.
- Right-click on the desktop shortcut.
- Select Properties.
- Enter a space after ...\USIDATA.exe in the Target field and then enter the path to the environment's .ini file (often called iEBMS.ini). Note that if the path has any spaces in it, it needs to be surrounded by quotes. The Target path should look like:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\EBMS\NewGen\USIDATA.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\EBMS\NewGen\iEBMS.ini"
- Click OK.
- Double-click on the USIDATA.exe icon. The Database Utility Sign On screen opens.
- Enter USIADMIN into the User ID field and the password into the Password field.
- Click OK. The Refresh Metadata screen opens.
- Verify the Server, Database and Programs. The version in Programs must match the v20 Service Release and Hotfix.
- Check the Autorun Dictionary Upgrade check box if available.
- Click the Update button. The Refresh Metadata utility runs. A notification displays when the process is complete.
- Click OK and log out of USIDATA.exe.
Update v20 Back Office
It is not necessary to apply Service Release files prior to applying Hotfix files; they are all included in the same .zip file.
- Locate the v20 Back Office files, typically located at C:\Inetpub\Ungerboeck on the web server.
- Extract the file into the v20 file location.
- When asked to overwrite existing files, check the Do this for next [however many] conflicts check box. Then select Copy and Replace.
- Click OK through any other conflicts. The Back Office patch application is complete once the copy process finishes.
- Within the v20 folder, locate UngerboeckWebConfiguration.exe.
- Click in any field, and press the space bar.
- Click Apply.
- Click in the same field again and remove the space.
- Click Apply.
- Click OK.
If you are using load balancing, repeat this process for all servers in the farm.
Update iEBMS
- Locate the iEBMS files, typically located at C:\Inetpub\iEBMS on the web server.
- Extract the file into the location of your iEBMS file structure.
- When asked to overwrite existing files, check the Do this for next [however many] conflicts check box. Then select Copy and Replace.
- Click OK through any other conflicts. The Back Office patch application is complete once the copy process finishes.
- Within the iEBMS folder, locate WebConfiguration.exe.
- Click in any field, and press the space bar.
- Click Apply.
- Click in the same field again and remove the space.
- Click Apply.
- Click OK.
If you are using load balancing, repeat this process for all servers in the farm.
Test v20
Go to the v20 URL on a client machine and log in. If the site loads completely and you can navigate through the program, the patch was successful.
If you receive any kind of web-based error:
- From the v20 web server, open IIS.
- Locate the application pool for the v20 site.
- Right-click and select Recycle.
- Return to the client machine and refresh the browser. The site should now load without error.
Test iEBMS
Testing iEBMS requires a user who has access to the iEBMS links, such as Calendar of Events or Venue Booking. To test, have a user attempt to got to one of the links. If the link loads, the patch was successful.
If you have any questions or problems, contact your regional Client Care Team.
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