
Package Configuration



  • Chardean Olsen

    I have tried checking and unchecking the Price Package by Package Details on my packages.  Either way it is still pulling the individual prices of the items onto the resumes & invoice AND the package prices.  Is there something else I need to check/mark/edit?

  • Matt Tapley

    Hi Chardean, 

    Please see the screen shot below. These are the things that need to be set. Also, they will need to be marked as billable.


  • Joey Lynn Pinaglia

    We are in 30, when we change the date on the package, it is not automatically changing the date on the items included in the package.  In 19 it would update.  Is this just how it is in 30 or did I miss something in  setting up the packages?

  • Jake Griesenauer

    Thanks Joey,

    There shouldn't be any additional code on the package to ensure that the dates are automatically updating.

    Can you share more information on the recreation steps? Was this on editing a header item? Copying an order to a new date?

    Jake Griesenauer
    Product Manager - Orders & Operations

  • Joey Lynn Pinaglia

    Order has already been entered but the install dates changed.  We were not editing a header item, this was in the edit service order item screen. 

    We were not copying an order to a new date, we were going into an existing order and just changing the item date.  This happens often with us where the install dates need to be updated due to a change in schedules.  In V19, when we changed the date on the main package item, the dates on all the items associated with that package would change automatically when we click saved. 

  • Jake Griesenauer

    Thanks Joey,

    I had our development take a look at the code to double-check what the correct behavior should be since v19 sometimes behaved a bit different than what's available today.

    Turns out that we did action a case 3 years ago to fix the code to update start/end dates & times on an item when the header is also changed. She tested this out in our current code and it was working as we expected, so this could be a bug.

    Could you please submit a case for the dev team to dig into a bit further?

    Jake Griesenauer
    Product Manager - Orders & Operations

  • Michael Davis

    I've created a package which utilises items from multiple order forms within my price list.

    Subsequently I've added the package header to an order form within my price list, however, when I add this to an order, it appears to only pull through pricing of items that are also in that form and not others.

    Is there a way I can set up my package to be pulling items and their pricing from multiple forms?

  • Jake Griesenauer

    Hello Michael,

    When you add the package to the Price List, the header and the details get added to the Order Form you selected when adding. So when you say that "when I add this to an order, it appears to only pull through pricing of items that are also in that form and not others", this sounds like the code is behaving as-expected.

    What is the use-case for pulling package details from different forms? I'm assuming you're pricing those items differently in different circumstances.

    I would recommend working with a consultant or your CSM (if applicable) to come up with solid approach.

    And as always, if you think that the code was behaving differently at one point, please submit a ticket and the team can dig in a bit further.

    Jake Griesenauer
    Product Manager - Orders & Operations

  • Michael Davis

    Thanks Jake

    In our case, we've got the different elements of our AV department separated in to different forms. One for sound, one lights, one visuals, labour, rigging, etc.

    I'm looking to build packages which can reference items from each of these forms and pull through their pricing in one lot. Say an entertainment packages with stage, lights, speakers, mics and consoles.

    Surely there should be a means for my package to reference all these form, or would the only method be containing all these items in a single form?

  • Jake Griesenauer

    Hey Michael,

    I'm sorry, but currently packages aren't able to reference items on different forms...at least not explicitly. 

    When a package is added to the price list > form, the details are added to the same form in the back-end. As you can see in this screenshot, the details are also added to the same form:

    If you have any specific questions around reporting or managing packages, I would recommend reaching out to your CSM or an Ungerboeck consultant.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Jake Griesenauer
    Product Manager - Orders & Operations

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