The Booking Agenda screen is similar to the Booking Calendar except that it shows spaces across the top of the screen and the dates down the side of the screen. This allows you to more quickly scroll through more dates across a few spaces, as is commonly needed for performing arts centers, stadiums, or arenas. The Booking Agenda screen is only available in v30.
Nearly all the same configuration settings from the Booking Calendar apply to the Booking Agenda with the exception of the following:
- Calendar Notices are not available to the Booking Agenda.
- See Display Times on the Booking Agenda for information about adjusting time displays.
- Only composite spaces with the Quick View check box checked on Edit Space screen are available for selection from the Spaces drop-down.
To access the Booking Agenda, click the Booking Agenda link from the Main Menu. The Booking Agenda opens with dates/times listed on the left and the spaces at the top of the screen. The following tabs are available: Home, Tools and Settings.
Home Tab
Use the Home tab to configure your Booking Agenda display.
- Date - Current date for the view. The entered date is the first day on the agenda. The single arrows moves the date back or ahead one day.
- Display - Controls the number of days displayed on the agenda. View a 1, 3, 7, 14, 31, 42, 90, 180 day or 1 year agenda.
- Display Times – Controls if time intervals display on the agenda.
- Time Settings – Opens the Time Settings screen to select the time intervals for the agenda. See Display Times on the Booking Agenda for more information.
- Select Spaces – Opens the Select Spaces screen to select which spaces to view on the agenda. See Manage Spaces on the Calendars and Booking Agenda for more information.
- Composite Spaces - Select the space you want to view. Only composite spaces with Quick View checked on the Edit Space screen are available for selection.
- Filters – Opens the Filters screen to filter the events that display on the agenda. The following filters are available:
- Space Capacity - Displays spaces with a capacity matching the entered value.
- Space Setup - Displays spaces with a setup matching the selected setup values.
- Space Feature - Displays spaces with feature(s) matching the selected values.
- Space Type - Displays spaces with space types matching the selected value(s).
- Only Show Base Spaces - If checked, only base spaces display on the agenda. A base space is a space you cannot make into a smaller space using air walls or curtains.
- Show Events - If checked, the agenda shows bookings for events.
- Show Jobs - If checked, the agenda shows bookings for jobs.
- Bookings Section
- Booking Status - Displays bookings with statuses matching the selected statuses.
- Usage - Displays bookings with usages matching the selected usages.
- Only Show Direct Bookings - If checked, only direct bookings display. See Direct Bookings and Indirect Bookings for more information.
- Events Section - Bookings display based on the event's status, category, class, type and/or selected Products and Services.
- Only Show Public Events - If checked, only events with the Public check box checked display on the agenda.
- Jobs Section - Bookings display based on the job's status, category, class and/or type.
- Only Show Public Jobs - If checked, only jobs with the Public check box checked display on the agenda.
Tools Tab
Use the Tools tab to:
- Book From Event Profile - Opens the Select Event Profile screen to book an event using an event profile. See Event Profiles for more information.
- Availability Search - Opens the Availability Search screen to find available spaces. See Availability Search.
- Resource Requirements - Opens the Resource Requirements screen to view which items are scheduled for use within a particular time frame. See Resource Requirements for more information.
- Legend - Opens the Legend screen where you can view the colors that are available for display on the agenda and what each color represents. You can view the colors for booking status, status groups, type and usage.
- Export
- PDF - Opens the Export To PDF screen where you can enter the Heading and Subheading for the export file and the orientation for the export (Portrait or Landscape). Exports to a PDF file.
- Excel - Opens the Export to Excel screen where you can enter the File Name, Heading and Subheading for the export file. You can also select your desired formatting for the information in the export. Exports to a .xlsx file.
- Email - Opens the Send Email screen with a PDF of the Booking Agenda as an attachment.
Settings Tab
Use the Settings tab to configure how information displays on the Booking Agenda.
- Configuration - Opens the Calendar Configuration screen where you can configure various display settings.
- Customize Lines - Opens the Customize Lines to configure the information that displays for a booking on the agenda. You can customize up to 4 lines of information. If no fields or text are selected for a line, the line does not display on the agenda.
- Select the information to display for the line from the Fields & Text drop-down.
- Click the green plus sign to add an additional field or to add static text.
- Click the X to the right of the field to remove the field from the line.
- Select the booking color to use from the Booking Colors drop-down.
- Select the Font type and size from the Font drop-down.
- Select to align the text left, middle or right from the Alignment section.
- Change the order of the display lines by clicking the squares on the left of the screen and dragging and dropping to the desired order.
- View a preview of the display at the bottom of the screen.
- Select the information to display for the line from the Fields & Text drop-down.
Display Times on the Booking Agenda
The Booking Agenda displays all dates as full day intervals by default. You can configure the time intervals for each day listed on the Booking Agenda. The time interval labels are not user configurable and are determined by the Time Settings. Remember to save your view to save all updates to your agenda configuration settings.
To display times:
- Click the Booking Agenda link from the Main Menu. The Booking Agenda screen opens.
- Toggle on the Display Times switch on the Home tab. Hourly time intervals display on the left side of the screen under each date and the associated bookings align according to booking start and end times.
To adjust the time intervals:
- Click the Time Settings button on the Home tab. This button is only available when Display Times is toggled on. The Time Settings screen opens. Each row is a separate configuration option. To add more options, click the plus (+) button.
- Select the desired settings. See below for some example configurations.
- Days - Click on the day(s) the subsequent Time Range and Scale applies to.
- Time Range - First time interval to display and last time interval to display.
- Scale - Number of hours to show within the time range.
- Click OK.
Example Configuration
To configure time settings so Monday through Thursday display in 1 hour intervals between 8 am - 10 pm and Friday through Sunday display in 4 hour blocks between 8 am - 8 pm:
- Row 1
- Selected Days - Mo, Tu, We, Th
- Time Range - 8:00 AM -> 10:00 PM
- Scale - 1 hour
- Row 2
- Selected Days - Su, Fr, Sa
- Time Range - 8:00 AM -> 8:00 PM
- Scale - 4 hour
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