
Registration Form Templates: Functions Group



  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    I updated the Registration Form Templates in our Event Profiles including a Custom Functions Section, saved this as a Standard Template and wante to use this Form Template for one of the existing Events. Unfortunately both the Terms & Conditions and the Custom Function Sections were not taken over. The Terms & Conditions defaulted back to a version from 3 years ago and the Function Section went to "All functions in one group".

    The Registration Functions are the same in the Event Profile and the Event where I inserted the Form Template.

    Is this a bug (in .96D) or are there any settings that I missed? 

  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Elisabeth,

    Custom function groups will not save when you save as a standard template due to technical limitations and the way they have to be saved generically in order to be available for other events. That is correct behavior.

    That being said, any custom groups you save on a profile should be there when you create an event from a profile. So if you create your event from the profile where custom groups are set, the custom groups will come over. They will not come over if you create an event from scratch and then choose the saved form template. 

    It does sound like there may be an issue with the Terms and Conditions if the proper ones are not displaying. Please enter a ticket with your regional Client Care team and we can take a look. 



  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    In the public registration it now also shows the instruction message in English for this functionality, regardless which dictionary is used - even if the dictionary is in German or French. 

    • Required - Determines how many functions are required for the group. 
      • At Least - Must select at least the number of functions entered into the field next to the drop-down.
      • Exactly - Must select the same number of functions entered into the field next to the drop-down.
      • At Most - Can select up to the number of functions entered into the field next to the drop-down.

    Is there a) a possibility to hide the instruction message for all registrations and b) a possibility to have the sentences in the correct language within the dictionaries?

  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Elisabeth,

    Those phrases can be changed via the dictionary. If you search "at least" or "at most" or "exactly" in the Phrase to Find and set the Browser Phrase Types drop down to Public Registration you should be able to find all the ones you need to change. The phrase that needs changing will be dependent on how your required functions are set up (per page, per group, etc). 

    I'm not sure why those phrases were not translated in the French or German dictionaries, but if you copy them you can then enter your own phrase to overwrite the English phrase. I will have our Dev teams take a look as to why those phrases weren't translated. 


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